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Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Invasion of the temporary command post!

So 2 days of no internet or phone and I thought I might loose my mind :). I was very lucky that my dad is working 3 days in the office now so I was able to take over his command post for the day. It was weird working in someone else's space, but it worked! I'm back home with a temporary line that they finally ran to the house last night, only after Rick called and got angry for the 2 days straight! So I'm back and I'm trying to get everything back in line, so hopefully be on later tonight.
Dad's command center.
See Rick other people's desk look worse than mine!
Dad's expensive chair that wasn't the most comfortable.
Yes I brought my robe too, my parents house is always cold!
Yes that's mom's little pig in the kitchen with nice sayings for the day!
Now why I hate going to my parents house, this is what stares at me!
Go to dad's office to find Black licorice.
Head into the kitchen for cookies in a jar
Get some Coffee and oh yeah Reese's pieces.
Other side of the counter a bag of Rice Crispy Treats!
A stocked full fridge
Yes 3 jars
one of chocolate covered espresso beans, chocolate cover cheeries, and chocolate
Salted Nuts
Fruit Snacks (at least low in fat)
and oh yeah at least some fruit!
Yup they are trying to kill me with goodies!


  1. Oh, now see that is why I would ask if I could live there. All those treats look amazing.

  2. There is no way I could resist all of that!

  3. That looks like a pretty sweet place to work (lol~no pun intended!)

  4. Sounds like mom & dad still know how to spoil their little girl! I would TOTALLY be diving into the rice krispie treats! Those are my FAVORITE!

  5. Wow, I want to live there. Think they'd mind if I moved in?

  6. Well I am glad you have a temporary line. You should send them a bill. Or deduct it off of your next bill.

  7. I would like to come there for a day...

  8. Yikes! I would have no self control at their house...that is why I do not buy junk food, I eat enough of it at my open mics!

  9. Its too late to make me hungry. Wow all that junk food.

  10. lol...I could handle that!

  11. Oh my I would go home everyday NOT needing dinner.....LOL
    Hopefully your temp line works out for you!

  12. It would be gone and I would be sick... How do they not eat it all?!

  13. I see where you get all your yumminess! I'd be tempted to cut my own cable cord just to be able to 'set up command' in such close proximity to so many goodies :O)

  14. I freaked out when there was no free wi-fi at the airport...2 days??? YIKES!!!

  15. 2 days girl I culdn't survive 2 hours LOL so much food stop it girl LOL I'm so hangry past week or so ugh...LOL

  16. Enjoy the goodies..........and a cup of
    I have had no excuse of lacking internet at home....but finally getting caught up on will be to tackle my inbox........

  17. okay, A. I couldn't resist that and B. do we REALLY believe our mom's eat that, or do they just "pretend" they do for our sakes, and so we don't say "why did you buy that?

  18. I know it's hard to work away from home, but come on, your mom & dad have way cool stuff at their house.
    I could get used to working there.
    Can they adopt me????


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