Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back to Walking ...

Happy to say even though I go off late tonight I went walking! I tried that new place Susan showed me, it was nice the trail is right along the play ground equipment. We pull up I see all these kids and think to myself this is going to be perfect. I should have known not to say that. As soon as we walked up the kids and mom left, do we smell? Then I quickly look at Cole to make sure he's not doing some obscene gesture (of course learned that from his dad) or saying one of "Daddy's Words". But to my pleasure he was just running around asking the kids if they could stay. I thought well there goes my walking day I at least got two times around, but Cole told me no we wanted to stay and play. Cool with me dude I got around 5 more times when I see Susan and her grandson pull up. Yeah, someone to play with Cole and someone to walk with me. Yup, that was short lived too. Susan's grandson wasn't into playing with Cole, even though Cole kept begging him (can't wait for Caden to get old enough to play with him). So we walked 3 times around and it was time to go.

This place is right behind Safeway so I loaded us up and went to pick up some dinner. Do a quick run threw even if it wasn't quick enough for Cole who was asking oh so nicely for water! We get home and get the boys fed and about to start on dinner when Rick calls and asked about dinner. I told him it was Taco Night, and I hear a Hummm on the other end. What is it dear? I really like what we had last night, can you do that again? Sure hamburgers and corn it is, easy for me!

Nice night put the sprinkler on for the back, while Rick watered the front. Had a quick and easy meal and watched College Road Trip. I usually am not a Martin Lawrence fan, but it actually was really funny. Now to get the boys to go down for bed! It's like I fed everyone sugar for dinner, they are all binging off the walls.

Going to be a late night!

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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!