Saturday, July 12, 2008

The BIG day has come ... Caden’s 1st Birthday Party!!!

Wow I woke up at 5 am when I heard Rick crawling into bed! He cleaned the rest of the carpets and mopped the floors along with watch Stop Loss so I could send it back today. He knows how crazy I am about getting movies back so we can get the next one on my queue. Poor guy is going to get just a few hours of sleep. I fall back asleep since the alarm is going to go off in 2 hours and I'm going to need all the rest I can get! Really was that 2 hours? It felt like I just rolled back over to go to sleep. I get my butt out of bed and was running and didn't stop until late tonight.

I got up and looked in the mirror, boy was that a shock! Reminder for next time after I take a shower before bed, don't put products in your hair and then go to bed. You must dry your hair first if not you'll wake up and look in the mirror to find medusa staring back at you. First things first I must wet and dry my hair; this of course woke Caden up. Well so much for hopping out of bed and just going, get Caden dressed and we're off. Quick stop to get coffee and to Wal-Mart we go! Run around to grab a few things … yeah right … and pick up the Monkey Cupcake Cake along with the free one for Caden. It was so cute except for the face which was a little scary looking (I'll attach a pic on Monday). While I was there I ran into a lady in her nighty and with her was her friend who was actually wearing a robe! I'm hoping it was her nighty sticking out, but these days you never know. Hey just the other day I was shopping with the boys when we went down an isle to find a lady breast feeding her child her tank top was pulled up and she was just walking around. Ok I'm all for breast feeding, but I guess I'm a prude about walking down the grocery isle with no blanket and you just pulling your top up around your neck. Wow … so I can deal with nighties and bath robes today!

Run home and Caden fell back to sleep, yeah now I can get busy and let him sleep. Unload the car … Oh crap forgot ice! Wake Rick up and as you know he's not a morning person, add 4 hours of sleep and you take a guess at what was awaiting for me. Get him out of bed and head down to the local store to get ice and some corn on the cob (thought that would be good on grill, great idea to bad I forgot about it). Come back home run around like my heads cut off. Rick's outside mowing the front lawn and then he start to edge! I know really right now? Thank the heaven for Anngie she showed up to help me; I really don't know what I had done with out her! She's amazing, she helped with the PB & J sandwiches (she cut them into awesome shapes); she set up my table outside and even started to hang the banners. I was running around crazy doing last minute things.

Thankfully most of the guest where 30 minutes late which gave us enough time to blow up the bouncy house and get the pool ready! It turned out to be a way hot day so we lost some people early, and my helper had to run too (thankfully she was able to come early we may not have had a fun functioning party if left to just me). The turn out was ok, I know everyone keeps saying don't worry he won't remember, but it's his 1st birthday party it should be this grand thing with lot's of people. Oh well must let it go, things happen and this momma just needs to move on and follow Rick's advice. Thank you to everyone that showed you made this day very special and it meant a lot to me!

Since it was so hot we had to run threw presents and cake. Got some great pictures (I'll add on Monday), Caden loved his little cake thanks to Casey who helped him. Caden was so lazy he just wanted Casey to bring the cake to his open bird like mouth … LOL. He got some wonderful presents that Cole has already tried to take to his room J. Everyone cleared out about 1:30 – 2pm, I was able to clean up a little bit before Tarra & Khari showed up. It was perfect timing, we got to put our feet in the kiddie pool have a few wine coolers and let Cole and Khari play, Caden was out cold! It was all and all a perfect day! It's funny you run around like crazy planning for 2 weeks, then a few days before you run around and then day comes you go crazy running around and it's over within a few hours. It reminds me of my wedding day, all the planning and money for a few hours it's all over, but then there is the clean up! After everyone went home I ran around picking up the yard and all the toys. I'm finally done and I feel like I did at 9 months pregnant. Your feet hurt; my legs and hips feel like they are going to explode, if only I could pull my legs off and hook them up to a rejuvenator like charging my cell … LOL.

It's now almost 11pm and I just got both boys to finally settle down and get in bed, I'm sure I'll hear Cole playing in his room until the wee hours, that is if I don't fall asleep before my head hits the pillow. I'm warn out and I'm sure tomorrow we'll end up going somewhere so I better go to bed now!

Oh on a side note I've been looking at a job that I can do at home after I get home from my real job J. Just a part-time gig that will bring in a few extra dollars for the month, just to give that extra cushion we've been missing. I got an email back from an answering service that has virtual employees, he's on vacation next week but was really interested in my resume since I had 7 years of medical experience (they answer all types of calls but I think doctors offices may be a main client). So he's going to email me on the 22nd to set up a time to talk since he's in another state. Fingers crossed! Hugs!

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