Thursday, July 17, 2008

Give probs another day walking ...

Another good walking day! Got off picked the boys up and off the school we went. Poor Cole it was empty again, but he was a good sport and said he'd play by himself. Which he did, giving me enough time for 10 laps around. Hey at least we went, that is a feather in my hat!

After that we hoped in the car and went to the grocery store to pick up dinner, since I of course forgot to defrost anything. Also grabbed some milk since Caden is on milk now and sucking it down. Then of course I can't find my Thyroid pills, I'm sure I put them some where when people came over for the party. I know I'll find them later, but since I have to take them every day I needed to order another bottle. So I quick trip to Target and yet another hotdog for Cole, since the one he had at the supermarket didn't fill him up and he was dying of hunger.

We finally got home a little after 7pm and Caden was having a fit of hunger himself. Got him in his highchair and food in front of him, but I wasn't quick enough. He was in all out tantrum and nothing was calming him down. Turn off dinner poor some milk in a bottle and sit down on the couch with him. Cole was thankfully occupied in his room, so I was able to feed Caden and take a moment for myself. After the bottle was done Cole came into the living room to inform me it was bath time for him and his brother! Perfect timing dude! Bath time done check; back yard watered check; hmmm I think I'm forgetting something! Oh yeah dinner for Rick! I stood up and turned on the stove just in time! Rick walked in and I smiled like I had been slaving over dinner for hours!

Rick was so sweet and watched two of my programs with me; Dinner impossible and Shear Genius. Put Cole to bed with out to much yelling and Caden conked right out. Rick's car got bird bombed today so he of course had to go to the carwash. That guy is crazy about his car and his clothes, you wouldn't believe he had kids and threw that all out the window like me. Maybe that is why everyone always rides in my car and not his … hmmm thought.

Well I'm exhausted, my legs feel like Jell-O and my stomach is started to hurt. I'm going to bed. More to come!

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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!