Saturday, July 5, 2008

Is it Sunday?

It feels like a lazy Sunday, but joyfully it's only Saturday. I got up and it was so quiet around the house I started on my book again, if I'm lucky I may even finish it by Sunday I'm alreay ⅔ of the way thru it and can't put it down. It's the first in a series and if the others are as good as this one I'm going to be in heaven for a while reading them.

The boys finally got up, so I made some eggs and turkey sausage that was very yummy. I even got 2 loads of laundry done, before I went to the couch. It is so nice to have a lazy day and then to know that you still have another day to do things tomorrow.
I schedule pictures for Caden's 11 month pictures for tomorrow, asked mom if she would meet us and it looks like we have it all scheduled. I even have a playdate at 3pm scheduled for Cole at the Children's museum. Tomorrow is going to be very busy so I'm going to relax as much as I can.

Cole of course isn't having much of the sitting around. So I did get us in the car to drop off the movie at the post office. We even went over to my office to grab the print out of the monkey cupcake cake I need for Caden's birthday party next weekend. Came back home and it's going to be a relaxing night (if I say that enough it will come true right?).

Rick's working late so it's movie time at our house, I think I need to go to the mailbox to get the chick flick that came.


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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!