Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And one more boy to add to the mix ...

Well with about 5 hours of sleep I was an complete airhead at work. I made the birthday snacks announcement and I totally said something weird about breakfast being served? Really what the heck was that all about? That was my crazy morning, in between helping answer the phones and getting my office in order so I could leave early I couldn't even begin to tell you were I filled somethings? I guess it will be fun for the next few days finding what my warped mind was thinking.

We are now proud host family to a very sweet Korean boy who goes by Roy. I got to the airport around 1:30 and found out a little more about what we have in store. Roy is here with his friend Soo Jung (I think I spelled that right) for the school year. They were so shy at first, but as soon as we got into the car Soo Jung was talking nonstop she was so sweet even saying how much she loved my hair. I so wanted to shrink her and put her in my pocket to pull her out anytime I needed a boost. Now this would be horrible for her, not because she'd be shrunk no because I would be whipping her out like Flash Gordon all day long! We had a wonderful ride home and then in mid sentence she was quiet I looked back and she crashed, poor girl Roy had been asleep the whole time. We got to Tacoma and dropped her off with her host family which is just a few blocks from home. Perfect since they are going to be so kind and let me drop Roy off in the morning to ride with them and then let him go after school until I can pick him up. They were such a nice family and have been hosting college age kids for almost 17 years! They are going to be a huge resource for this trial period.

Roy and I then loaded up and went to register him at the school the teacher was very nice and let us do it a day early since I already had the day off. I think we got everything figured out, wow the world of homework I can't even begin to imagine what that is going to be like. I was just starting to gear up for PreK and now I'm thrown into 4th Grade! Watch out I think I may actually have to brush up on Geography etc. Yikes not sure if the brain is ready for that.

We picked the boys up and stopped by the grocery store, Roy was a HUGE help holding Cole's hand and getting him to stay by the cart. We went home and unloaded the car, got Roy settled in his room and start a lasagna. Of course I pick the most time consuming dish to make, finally around 7pm we have dinner. Geez I'm starting off with a bang. Well Rick is working late so wish me luck!

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