Saturday, August 9, 2008

Do all Saturdays have to start like this?

Yet another Saturday with a bang or should I say cry. Yup you guessed it Caden is up early yet again. I should have known since he was out when we got home last night and I couldn't or should I say didn't want to wake him for a bottle. So I guess it's my fault but still doesn't make it any easier. Thanks to the alarm clock on my side of the bed the laser beaming RED numbers informed me at 6:24AM that the boy was up. Praying that a bottle will help, I ran ok bounced off a few walls and made my way to the kitchen. At 6:44AM I decided it was best to just get up, since I've been slapped in the face like a thousand times I get this funny feeling Caden is not going back to sleep.

Oh goodie I can watch some of my DVR'd programs and once I can get my mind to work I'm going to make a pot of coffee. I knew trying to do it in my current state might not make the best pot or it may just mean another mess to me to clean up later. Finally I was up and functioning I won't say anything about the cupcake, darn mom and buying those cupcakes for Cole. Doesn't she know they would just call my name not his! So let's just say all I had was a cup of coffee and I was ready for the day!

The market opened at 9am so of course I waking Cole up and leaving before 9am was an awesome plan right? Do I really live in a dream world and forget what kind of morning person he is. So around 9:45am we make our way out the door and down to Puyallup. It started out rainy so I had the boys bundled up and ready. My wonderful mind was thinking it would be slow since it rained, NOT!! I don't know what it is about a market and outdoor gathering that makes people loose all their manners, but today was no exception. Here I am with the boys in the wagon and my fabric bag because I'm so green like that (stop laugh those of you who know me, at least I'm trying). The first vendor is crammed full, you would have thought corn was like gas these days. I tried to wiggle my way in to the pack, got pushed a few times and even some nasty looks. I so badly wanted to remind them it's only produce and 7 cobs for $2 wasn't the BEST deal. I grabbed a few more veggies and then of course couldn't back my way out, so forward or bust I go. Yup that was fun thankfully a lady took pity on me and the wagon and parted the sea of the check out line. We make our way to the end and stand in line, again it was like going to the gas station the line was huge. Then my favorite thing happened a lady walked right up and stood right in front of me, didn't turn around nothing! When I said something she just started talking to the guy that was in front of me, like she was with him! Then this older gentleman did the same thing. This time my wagon became my raming rod ... LOL well he started it! Those of you who know me know I'm crazy about personal bubbles and this gentleman wasn't taking lightly that I wouldn't let him cut so he kept invading my bubble! Sorry boys .... I jerk the wagon behind me again, I think this time I might have got his foot. I mean really dude is being one person closer to the front that important, you would think so because when it was my turn to go up to the register he stepped right in front of me AGAIN. Thankfully for everyone around me I had the boys or it might not have been a very lady like moment in my life.

After I pay for my items I decide it probably wasn't my best move to get into the car! So I took the boys over to the playground for a little energy reducing for all involved. Cole ran towards the slides and was so excited. Do I always have to run into the Momzillas? You would think that kids are only to be heard and oh yeah this one slide is only for them. Really the dirty looks to my son and then to me are not needed. We all can slide and have fun. Cole may be a little hyper but it's not like he's throwing rocks at them, well at least we haven't done that in a while. Oh well give me dirty looks I could careless, we're outside in a public playard and I rather have him run it out here then singing or as some would call screaming all the way home. Caden and I chose a swing and he got to swing for the very first time, which he wasn't sure if he wanted to cry or laugh. Cole joined us and got in the kiddy swing next to Caden so I could push them both. Momzilla didn't like this and said something to her kids and then Momzilla 2 came over and had the same look. Oh geez really go take your overdressed for the playground butts somewhere else. We're not in New York. You have to love these moms, I'm ready the perfect book maybe this is why I'm more key to these moms. It of course is called Momzilla's. Check it out.

Back home to watch Nim's Island and hopefully just relax for the rest of the day. Well it's a dream you know since it's just me and the boys until Rick gets home later tonight. Warm wishes for my sanity please.

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