Thursday, August 14, 2008

Farmers Market Day

Ok everyone I started this blog yesterday and was having a GREAT day besides a little walking and smelly people. Then it all went to the poops, check out the bottom of my blog to find out the excitement. So sorry for the delay.

Today was a fun day I met my friend Lauren at the Tacoma's Farmers Market, when I finally got there it was a lot of fun. Let me back up and tell you how much fun I had when I got there! So I had this bright idea to park at the free parking at the train station and take the free tram to a block below the market. Well this started as a good idea I left work a few minutes before 11am thinking this would be perfect time to find a parking spot and take the tram and make it there by 11:15. No problem, when do you think I'll learn? I don't think I ever will. I get to the parking garage in awesome time, then the driving and looking begins. I drive up and up very slow because you know I might miss that opening that someone left. Well I finally end up on the 7th floor and not even in the cover part, out in the open. Thankfully it's a very sunny day or I really would be having fun. Then as I wait for the elevator and look down and see the tram leave, of course I did! I get down to the lower level and of course the tram is gone, 10 minutes until the next one! I stand there and wait of so patiently, you know tapping my foot looking at the clock that is telling me I'm oh so late to meet Lauren.

Finally the tram arrives and we hop on, it's going great no big deal I'll be a few minutes late. It's my life I leave a few minutes early just to be a few minutes late. My ride is great until we make the 2nd stop, these two people hop on and out of the whole empty tram guess who they sit behind ... you got it me! Which wouldn't be a big deal, unless someone had forgot to shower. Now I have a weak stomache to begin with but add in BO and a hot day and we have a receipe for dissaster. Of course my new friends ride the tram to the end, as soon as we get to the end I'm out of my seat like someone lit a fire under my rear. Well at least it was in the most lady like way I could do it. Then when those doors open I take in the a deep breath of Tacoma, which on any normal day would make you gag but after that smell it's smelling like roses to me. Up a block and over I finally make it to Lauren. Poor gal had to wait an extra 15 minutes, I'm such a smuck somedays, ok most days.

The market was great I picked up a great deal on green beans. Only after we had to check out each stand to price them for the best price. I know I'm crazy but hey the price went from $2.99 a lb to $1.49! Always the deal hunter I am. It was so nice to see my girl, I really miss seeing her. After a quick bite it was back on the tram I go, lucky this time it was fresh Tacoma air. After that I got back to my prime parking spot on the 7th floor and took off back to work, it was so nice getting out of the office I never usually leave the building. What a great day right?

I just had to think that right? I get back to work and start working on the list of to do and you know it the bomb hit. Grandma Pat called Caden is burning up and puking and she's wanting me to come pick him up. Oh crap so I rush thru the list and out the door I go. I get to Grandma Pats and their is Caden a lump on the floor. He's so hot and poor little guy is so grumpy. We get home and try the wet wash cloth and water. We're just striking out on getting anything that makes him happy. I finally got him down around 10ish and I just am bracing myself for a bad night, I'm sure I'll be coming home early tomorrow. Cross your fingers my training goes well tomorrow.

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