Monday, August 18, 2008

Mother of the year award here I come!

Sorry no post yesterday, it was so hot we lounged around the house and then went to my parents house to soak in the lake and have a wonderful dinner. Ok well everyone but me soaked in the lake since I have sworn off bathing suits. Hey putting my feet in is just perfect for me! The boys had fun swimming and Rick got to ride on the Jet Ski a perfect way to end this crazy weekend!

So today I got up and ran around like crazy as always! The last three days were so hot and poor little Caden still has the heat rash, so shorts and muscle shirts for the boys! We run outside and the car is a little damp, that's weird. Ok most people would stop look in the sky and see clouds take the boys back in switch to pants. Nope this is where the Mother of the Year comes in to play. We hop in the car and race to daycare and work. I get to work and look out the window and you know it it's pouring outside. Oh boy! I'm so glad daycare is a home so the boys will be warm and not get wet. What a day, guess I should have paid attention to the weather report since I'm also wearing capri's! Frozen legs and toes here we go!

Busy day at work, run around go to the bank, get gas, drop off clothes to the consignment shop and oh yeah drop off a delivery for work. Drive back to daycare and pick the boys up and home we go. Thankfully mom gave us a bean and ham soup she made so dinner is taken care of. We get home and I'm off like a shot gun. Rick is home with his knee in pain, 2 full days walking stairs and standing really hurt him. So of course he hurts and he's grumpy and both boys are screaming for food! I get everyone dished up and Rick mentioned the phone is still getting a busy signal (been like that for a while I don't use it, so it hasn't been my top priority). Well you know a grumpy hurting hubby then decides that everything is a high priority. Which of course means mom needs to fix it! Well at least they all got hot meals, and since I was on hold yet another 35 MINUTES with AT&T I had a few bites of my soup before it got too cold.

Finally when I get thru and I get the other person from India that is sitting in that room with the last guy I talked to. We had a horrible time trying to understand each other and to make matters worse she was getting VERY upset I wasn't getting what she was saying. Let's just say if I hadn't waited on hold all that time I would have hung up just to make a point, but then I would have to pick the phone back up listen to the stupid elevator music for yet another hideous time on "Ignore" as I like to call it! After a bunch of huffing (this time not me) we get the computer working it was a simple fix and something that I could have done if the guy last time would have told me! Then I let her know how anytime I plug the phone into the modem all the phones in the house go down! She then tells me to hang up, plug it in and call back. This is where I lost my cool! "Hun I just sat on hold for 35 minutes to talk to you, do you think I want to do that again?" This is where my southern accent comes into play. Now I'm not anywhere near the south or have I ever been there, but you get my riled up and it comes out. Maybe it's my split personality, that would explain a lot!

Back to the story I can't find a phone cord so I put her on hold! Take that girlie! Well my hold may have only been 3 minutes it still felt good to give them a taste of it. I think next time I'll put the phone up the radio station playing some stupid songs for them to hear! Well the phone seemed to work so I reluctantly let her go, only after she got snooty and told me to call the phone company. I polity reminded her I'm calling from my phone and it works just fine until I plug it into her equipment! Take that, she thought of me as a fly but I'm still buzzing and making her annoyed! Then I hang up the phone and Rick says to me so are you going to call the phone company? I'm telling you if that wasn't the only working phone in the house he might have found it in a not so sunny place! I took a deep breath and went to my room to relax before I had a Linda Blaire moment!

So recap of the day, shorts during rain not a good thing! Reminder to check the weather report each day! Try to remember to get gas BEFORE the light comes on! Unplug all electronics and phones, who needs them? Oh wait how would I blog? Hmmm .... maybe I can invent a tree Internet service and sit up there and type! No one will find me! Well good night Darlin'. Ms. Daisy May is signing out (I gave her a name, my split personality) Hugs Y'all!

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