Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Murphy's Law at work

Today started so great with Caden waking up 15 minutes before the alarm, you know that time when you get your best sleep right before the alarm goes off! Get up with him, I will hang those curtains tonight if it kills me! I got up and decided it was time to put my clothes on and do the hair thing. Maybe today I won't look like the punk rock style that I have had the last few weeks.
Then I get to work to make a copy that turns into blur of black comes out at me. Oh yeah toner head to toe on me and then everywhere on the copier. After an hour of cleaning up toner with my can of air and roll of paper towels, I give up and make a service call to the copier people. While I wait for that call I get to work on the pile on my desk. When the next problem arises. Someone has shredded so much that the shredder won't even open. The joke answer is it takes 1 engineer and 2 office staff to get the drawer to open. With a confetti exploding like I've just won Miss America all over my room. Grab the shop vac and start to clean. I now am covered with toner and if I shake my hair shreds of paper will fall. I tell the girls I'm my own print shop all you need to do is shake me and then rub my shirt for toner! Oh yeah can't wait to go home.
Well it looks like the copy machine is done for another day which makes everyone in the office so happy acting like I personally told it to stop working! I have a pile of work to do and it looks like another late night at work. Hopefully I'll get home before it's dark out.
I'm going to go nurse this headache that I've had since last night and hope that the paper fairy visits my office and does all the work! Hmmm ....

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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!