Monday, August 4, 2008

My New Best Friend

Internet down, so sorry guys post are a little behind. I typed them, but no interent to post sorry bare with me.
Wow 4 hours of sleep and I’m running on caffeine and nothing else. Geez why did I have to swear off chocolate last week, it would go so well with my 7th cup of coffee. Work was a little busy at work, but I had to leave early. Ran and dropped off a few bills and then back to pick the boys up. I talked to Grandma Pat about hosting exchange students at the same time. That way I can drop off at school and they could possibly pick up. I finally rounded up the troops and homeward bound we went.

I put Caden in the highchair with some finger food, Cole went to play in the backyard and I got to clean the house. Cole came in a while later asking me about his new best friend. I thought he was talking about his imaginer friend Cole, but no he was talking about a neighbor who was kiddy corner on his balcony. Cole being the friendly kid he is invited him over. I had the front door open and I hear a real faint hi, after the 2nd time I actually looked up and saw a kid. Who knows who I was thinking was there, maybe Cole’s imaginer friend has become mine too!

Cole’s new friend who he kept calling “boy” until my constant reminder that he was being rude he needed to call him by his name. So Cole then called him the next best thing “Best Friend”, poor little guy had no idea what he was getting into when he came to our house. Thankfully he didn’t mind the “Best Friend come over here”, “Best Friend do you want a Popsicle”. Oh yeah lots of fun at our house. I was very grateful that he was there he kept Cole occupied long enough for me to vacuum the house, dust and do another load of laundry and dishes. Along with get dinner in the oven, I was exhausted by the time “Best Friend” wanted to go home. I told him he was welcome to come over again tomorrow, but I have a feeling he might want to play at home. Cole was very excited to have company and was a little on the extreme hyper side.

A quick bathtub time and off to bed for the boys. Rick was feeling sick so he was in bed from the time he got home. A quiet dinner for me and time to watch a little T.V. before my eye lids give up.

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