Sunday, August 31, 2008

Really need to check first ...

So today I had a plan to go to the farmers market. I get everyone up make breakfast one to make Julia jealous yet again .... wait for it ... Pop tarts! Oh yeah I know it, I got it going on! So after our healthy meal of pop tarts and toast for Roy (I think the pop tarts were too sweet). We get all dressed and in the car. Rick didn't get home until 3am so I figured us out of the house would give him some down time! We drive down to Puyallup to find that the market is closed? Well there goes that idea, thankfully my friend that lives up the street is home. We stop by, sorry about that Ang she was still in her PJ's. We get a chance to talk and the boys play, well Cole and her son does. Caden is perm stuck to mom and Roy watched Spiderman II. It was nice to talk to a grown up and have most of the kids occupied.

After I visit we hit the Fred Meyer clearance sale, can't beat school clothes that are marked down and then another 60% off! I'm so on top of this school thing, I got clothes and supplies within days of the start of school! Pretty proud of myself its days before and not the day before, I'm sure I'll miss something and do a run the night before but hey let me smile now! Thinking I gave Rick plenty of time to sleep, hey it's 2pm now that should be enough sleep! We head back home. Quick naps for the boys while I do my favorite thing laundry, I think the neighbor slipped in his loads again. How come I keep doing laundry and the pile never goes down? When I figure out the answer I'll let you all know because I'm sure you're dying to know also!

When ever one gets up it's time to go again, you know I don't let grass grow under my feet or the price of gas to let me down. Hey why not money grows on trees right? What it doesn't? Well anyways we head up to my parents house, so Cole can throw rocks, Rick can jet ski and I can sit around having a cocktail right? Well at least the boys get to have fun. Roy actually went Jet Skiing with Rick, I'm sad to say I wasn't down there to get a picture. Mom made an awesome stew that we had for dinner, that was the first time I've seen Roy eat everything! Guess I need to take some cooking lessons from mom.

On our way home we stopped by Fred Meyers because you know I'm a dork and didn't get the Pink eraser when we were there in the morning! Yup just another day in my life, I think I need to go back to bed!

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