Thursday, September 25, 2008

And the gig is up ....

Well yesterday I took Cole to school hoping for the best and of course worrying like no tomorrow. Being the crazy wonder woman that I am starting asking the ladies at work if they ever had this problem, I put a call into the nurse and did a quick search on the Internet. After the reality of what I've been doing knocked me over I had a huge light bulb that clicked on. Being the healthy mom that I am (well at least with Cole's lunches) I've been giving him an overload of fruit with applesauce, 100% fruit snack, 100% fruit drink and oh yeah raisins. Am I complete idiot? Poor little guy has fruit with the breakfast they give him at school and here I give him too much fruit later on! No wonder he can't make it to the bathroom in time! Now I know this doesn't totally solve the problem since he isn't telling people that he did it in his pants or that he tried to go to the bathroom and clean up but just made a huge mess. So we so need to work on that also, but I guess if we're back to solid BM then hopefully the mess will go away? I also heard of a book everyone poops, that I ordered from the library so I'll go pick that up today. So I think I'm top of the game I'm going to pick Cole up right after school we're going to go shopping together to pick up Bananas (Fruit that binds) and string cheese for his lunches. I sent a quick note to the admin at the school and go about my day.

Well at least that was the plan before the other shoe dropped! So here I am around 1:30pm thinking ok I need to leave in 2 hours then I'll pick him up and all will hopefully be right in the world. Yup my typical glass half full thinking that always backfires and bites me in the butt every time. This time I hear our receptionist say hold on and I'll get her, my stomach dropped since there is only 5 other women here I just knew the call was for me. Call it mothers intuition or whatever you'd like but I just knew it was for me. This time it was Cole's teacher calling to tell me that Cole after going to the bathroom came back and played and then proceeded to poop his pants in class. Yup the straw the broke the camels back has now come. At this point in time all the good feelings about starting fresh tomorrow with a new meal plan has flown out the door and dread has taken over. At this point I start the phone tree, I call mom since she's on strike to see if she can come take Cole for a few hours. Then I put a call into Grandma Pat to see if Cole could go for a few days. Call Rick and let him know to be on standby if Mom or Dad can't come pick up. Dad calls back he's on his way to our house, while I'm on the way to school. Talk about a well oiled machine, only wish it was under better circumstance.

I get to school to meet Cole's teacher who is the SWEETEST lady ever and says what a pleasure Cole is and how he is the kindest boy she knows but she can't have him in class if he can't go potty by himself it's a state law! So she so nicely suggest we take a few days off, thank God for Grandma Pat to the rescue. They told me he can't come back until he can do this all by himself. So I meet Dad at home and continue on to work, where of course the 1 hour I was gone my chair exploded with lots of items that NEED to be done by the end of the day. Well of course this has made it so I'm working even later than my scheduled 4:30 or 5pm like usual. By the time I made it over to the host family I could see they weren't too happy, when am I going to win?

Home we go with only 3 kids in tow, it really doesn't matter how many kids you have over 3 the noise level is about the same ... Good to know! I get home to find Rick and Tarra have beat me. Rick is off to his new Sheriff academy for citizens. Tarra and I have a great chat while I make some chili for dinner. We sat down and had a pretty quite dinner as well as could be with out Cole and Roy go at each other, LOL Ms. Khari made up for it just playing. It was a nice night Tarra helped me fold laundry and I actually got all the laundry hung up and my bed made before my parents came back with Cole. While they were there I got both boys beds made and everyone ready for bed. Geez if only I could have help all the time, a live in nanny is looking awesome! Now only if I could wiggle my nose to add that 2nd wing to the house and while I'm at it add the money tree in the back! What a day I can't wait to see what today holds for me!

I'll end with this picture, I took this Monday night and forgot to add it to the blog. If only they were sweet like this when they were awake, well Caden is ... LOL.

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