Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day of PreK

Well today was the big day, Cole's first day of PreK. I was so ready to let him go, yup I know keep telling myself that. I started the morning off with a nice breakfast and just kind of kept doing NEEDED things around the house, ok fine I was stahling! Finally around 11ish we get in the car to leave. Guess what I hadn't done, filled out all the paperwork for the registration (you know the ones I already turned in but they lost). So I try to fill them out in the car, but 15 pages of the same info takes a little while to fill out. After Caden is crying so hard and Cole is kicking Roy's seat we get out of the car and go back in to finish the paperwork. 5 minutes later we're back in the car and going to the school, really that wasn't me stahling again ... ok maybe it was! We get to the school and Cole runs to the front door, I of course make him stand for a few pictures. At least they were outside, I wanted to do them inside too but he won't let me! We go in and pay our tution and off to the daycare we go. The kids were about to come in so I had to leave Cole by himself, sad mommy but I did it! As you can see it didn't effect him at all.
Ok mom just let me go in!

After a quick lunch we head over to Roy's school to turn in his paperwork (yes I know a day early) and buy his lunchs for the month. Stop by work to pick up my paycheck and off to the grocery store. Hey when I'm down one kid I do all I can! We pick Cole up early today, and he's outside playing having a great time. The first words out of the teachers mouth was "he listens great" ... what are you talking about my son? Then we met the other teachers all sing his prais, guess this is just the new faze. He told me his friends are AWESOME and his teachers were COOL! So I guess it was a hit and he can't wait to go again tomorrow.

We get in the car and all 3 boys fall asleep, I run to pick up a pizza since we're having guest over tonight. Anngie and her daughter KJ came over to play. Anngie and I have agreed that playdate on a school night is not the best idea we've ever had. Rick was so sweet and came home and put the bouncy house out front. The kids played nice for 5.4 seconds before the crying started. Yup time to put the pizza in, after a little tongue sticking out and looking at me we calmed down and had a great night! Oh yeah well at least we got one glass of wine girl, next time I'll break out the hard stuff! LOL

Well it was a great first day, I'm sure we'll have so much fun doing it all over again. Since tomorrow will be the first test of my 3 stops before I can get to work. 1st Cole at his school, 2nd Caden to daycare and 3rd Roy to the other host family's house. Yup sounds like fun right? I'm off to watch the new 90210!! I can't wait my favorite show from Jr. High is back with some of my favorite characters! Yes I know I watch to much TV and shows that are for a younger crowd!

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