Saturday, October 4, 2008

And they say life is boring ...

Friday was yet another crazy day thanks to my friends Roy was able to stay over at extended care which was great since I got out of work an HOUR late!! Can you say hold on for a bumpy ride. I must say it was so NICE not having to slink my way up to pick Roy up like I'm going to my parents when I did something bad. I walked in, ok only after I went to the wrong door 3 times and was greeted by happy faces. Roy was playing pool, and was smiling. Yipee now let's hope that Roy can get his parents on board since they have been ignoring all attempts from the host people about getting him into the program. I gave the host people a call to let them know it went and also he let me know the other gal will be going there on Monday? Ok if she's going Monday don't you think it would have been nice to let me know so I could arrange also? Geez can my life every get less complicated?

Well I'm so excited I've been able to sell 2 of the Halloween costumes, and I found an amazing Scooby Doo that was reg $50 for $15 and super close to the house. So I packed all the kids in the car and picked it up. Of course Cole and Khari had to try it on, check out the pictures below. Friday night was a great release, Tarra picked up pizza and we watched Iron Man. Minus the cranky Rick who didn't watch the movie with us. Guys I really need to know how their brain works. We wife take care of all the bills, take care of everything we can and darn it if we don't remember to always tell them everything we paid or things we paid in advance so it wouldn't kill us next month. Darn us for being prepared and just doing things in order to make our lives move on. Oh well I digress, Saturday will be better (well at least that is was the idea I went to bed with).

So 6 hours later I'm feeling fresh and ready to take on my morning show, the gal that helps me is suppose to be in a 1/2 hour late which turns out to be over an hour. Which isn't bad but I needed to be off the phones by 9am to get ready for the NW Trek. And the program is a financial one for people who are retiring or close to retirement. So of course with market crazy the calls were lining up and people wanted to talk. I think I did close to 40 calls by myself in the 4 hours I was on. In the mean time Caden woke up at 6am and then at 7am and that time he wanted to be up. I gave him some treats, changed his bottom and was thinking I was doing great. Then Roy got up around 7:30 and got Caden going I had to shut the dinning room doors which of course then peeved Caden off. Finally I had to make a bottle and take him into Rick who of course was not too happy to forced into the morning. After a few unhappy moments Rick got dressed and took Caden for a drive, well I know that is going to be an issue later this morning. I couldn't worry about that since the calls were stacking up. And my living room is now a romper room with the two older boys up. Oh geez what is it with 7am and everyone wanting to be up! I finish my calls at 9am, well there was more but the lady I work with did the last few calls so I could go get ready.

Talk about hoping around like a mad woman, and you know how I love crazy days so why not add another item on. So it's 9:30 we have to leave in one hour and I get this hair brain idea that I need a pair of rain boots. Now on my defense it was getting really wet outside and some of the trail is in the outdoors. So I take Cole and Caden with me to Target and of course can't find any boots I like but of course I found snacks for the boys! We get back to the house with 10 minutes to spare before we must leave. Being the positive thinker I am thinking ok we'll have no problems everyone will get right out the door. Yeah right since I woke Mr. grumpy to get up to take care of Caden he was in no mood to join us for NW Trek. Great once again one me and 3 kids, I'm so out numbered soon there is going to be a mutiny!

Well of course whenever Anng and I go out with the kids it can't be perfect. So we get there the rain is starting so we each take an umbrella. My umbrella, or should I say the one I stole from my mom is the umbrella of choice. So of course the two younger ones argue of who's going to hold, etc. I was just excited the weather let up so the tram would be fun. Fun I could only wish, we did get on the tram and see a few animals before it started. First Cole was in one seat then the KJ came to share. And being the kids they are sharing just wasn't working one persons check went over the line towards the others. Got to love the thought process of a 4 yr old. So we get them settled down and then Caden starts acting up he wants to of course walk around the moving bus. I swear the 2 couples in front of us where trying to light me on fire with their eyes. Then we opened the windows for the kids too look out, you would have thought we cursed in front of their kids. I'm telling you people kill me, they come to a place that is for kids yes they have kids too but HELLO they are older did you forget what it was like to have young kids? It was a pleasant ride is all I can say about that!

We then took a hike and when I say hike I really mean hike around to visit the captive animals. All was well then we started with the umbrella again, I'm so buying two of everything from now on. I totally agree with Anng the kids were acting like brother and sister which is giving a crystal ball into the future of what Cole and Caden are going to be like. Maybe I can just lock us all up until they go to college? Well that would help them but I would be bald from pulling out my hair. So by this time the kids are upset and the sky opens up and dumbs like 6 inches on us and of course we are half way thru our hike. By the time we make it to the car I think I could wring out my clothes to water the plants at home. We get in the car and everyone falls asleep wouldn't that be nice!

Being the wonderful parent that I am I wake everyone up to go shopping at Costco! LOL if I can't sleep no one can! At least it was sample day and everyone got a quick bite and we weren't there for too long. We got home and Rick sprang into action, he must have known that I was not to be messed with. He got everyone into dry clothes and took them to for a while. I decided that I would go to Fashion Bug to use my coupon. It was great I had this awesome coupon that would save me like $60 off $150 so I was grabbing everything. Tried one it all and of course ended up with maybe 1/4 of the items that looked good. I walked up to the register and was so excited about my new clothes for work since we're changing our dress code. And since today couldn't get any worse my coupon that rocked really didn't since it had to be used on only regular price items and not even on their brand that is "Priced just right". Oh yeah that sucks, she asked well we can still ring you up. Of course you can doesn't mean I'm going to pay that price, so I walked out empty handed and very defeated!

Rick did take us out to dinner which was sweet of him but I'm sure it was because he thought the way my day was going I might burn down the house. Yup that's my life want to trade?

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