Friday, October 10, 2008

Help I've fallen and can't get up

Ok I guess I could get up but once my feet reached the ground I couldn't move and had to scream for Rick to help me. Not sure what the heck happen to me but I woke up with the WORST pain literally in my butt. And this time its not one of the kids ... go figure I finally got what I've been complaining about for years a PAIN IN THE BUTT, I know I'm so lucky. So lucky that when I put my feet on the ground, which let me tell you was a chore, I got a shooting pain that ran down my leg. At this point I start screaming for Rick who actually got right out of bed. Well there went that theory that if the house was burning down I couldn't get him to wake up, but it did prove my 2nd theory that he chooses to ignore me most mornings! So 1 for 2 not so bad of odds, right? After being so gently pushed back on to the death trap aka my bed, I lay there in agony waiting for the pain to leave. Of course it doesn't so plan 2 is hot water in the shower. Now I must give Rick HUGE Kudos he actually got me undressed and started the shower and stood there in case I needed him. Nope you didn't read that wrong, the boy actually was extremely helpful and get this he turned off the shower ... don't fall off your chair on this one he dried me off!! I know I couldn't believe it either, but at the time all I could think about was standing naked there. I know were married but gravity oh so much nicer when your laying down then when your standing, 2 kids and the old body was not my friend! So after that he half carried me to the couch, pre-babies he could have swung me over his shoulder not so much these days! Enough about that hold on to your hats ladies he was full of surprises today! He actually got breakfast for Roy, got Cole dressed and with a little help even got the baby dressed. He then loaded everyone in the car and took them to the morning destinations! Did I mention not even complaining once! I'm not sure who this new man is, but I'm so keeping him! No returns or refunds needed here!

Perched on my couch in my warm front room since he even turned the heater on for me. I tried to find the spot that hurt the least. Since no pain was not an option I looked for the path with lease resistance! When Rick returned he even brought me breakfast, ok it was a totally greasy breakfast sandwich but hey at least he tried and at this point I'm not going to complain. So here I am a few hours later feeling better but still moving like a turtle or an injured rat that got her leg caught in a trap (sorry couldn't resist). I broke down and called my mommy, thankfully she's still on strike. Not I'm sure thankful for her that she's still on strike but I'm thankful since I could call her and beg for help. She even called the chiro and made the appointment for me, she's coming to pick me up here in an hour. I love mommies, don't the rock! So I'll post now but hopefully I'll be non-broken later and can post again to tell you how much fun I'm having!

Broken signing off for now! Pray the doc can put humpty back together or at least with a little glue just be cracked. =D


  1. Oh honey, sounds miserable, and I can relate to pain these you think it might be your siatic nerve? Hope the Chiro gets you fixed up...I usually feel better after an adjustment and I hope you do to.

  2. Thanks sweetie, I'm doing much better. Mom thought it was a siatic nerve also, but the chiro told me I was twisted and not in the head ... LOL.

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Lex :)

  3. ALEXIS!! (What is your middle name because I'd be using it right here!?!)
    I'm so sorry to hear that you're broken!!! I just read this, and I just left you a voicemail message...but if you're stuck on the couch (or the floor) then you may not be able to reach your phone...I'm here to help!! What can I do? I'll come over...I'll take care of the kids or the house, or me if you need me!!

    Posted by A. Cullen on Oct 10, 2008 11:33 AM

  4. You know your the best, I'm very lucky to have you! Thank you again for the offer, thanks to mom I made it to the chiro and back home to ice my back. Mom even rubbed icy hot on my butt (lower back) aren't mom's awesome. Who else would rub your back side with smelly gross stuff ... LOL Loves ;)

  5. Oh man....Kudos for your hubby!! What a guy! And I know just what you mean about the naked thing. I use to be HOT and now I'm just hot from menopause!
    I sure hope you feel better really quick. Sending some big warm hugs and one for your Momma too!

    Hugs, Vanessa

    Posted by Ms. Vanessa on Oct 10, 2008 11:42 AM

  6. I know he's blowing me away lately! OMG Vanessa you always know what to say to make me laugh, I have no excuses not close to menopause so not so hot I guess :). Feeling better thanks to Chiro and some icy hot mom rubbed on my bumm ... LOL got to love a mom she's the only one I don't mind dropping my drawers and mooning! She'd be so upset that I'm blogging about her ... she's so anti blogging :) She just learned TXTing we'll get her there soon!

  7. OMG you poor thing......Missed you at work & lunch .....Hope the chiro. gets you back up right....Mine does for me:)
    If you need anything just call.....take all the down time you can get even if it hurts........jana

    Posted by jana on Oct 10, 2008 6:04PM

  8. You're so sweet! I was so upset that I missed lunch I never get to go out with you girls! Chiro helped and some icy hot mom rubbed on my bumm ... LOL got to love a mom she's the only one I don't mind dropping my drawers and mooning! Now I'm smelling pretty and have a cold butt from the ice. Yup I'm a dream for Friday Night! Thanks so much your such a sweetie I REALLY appreciate it. HUGS


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!