Sunday, October 19, 2008

What happened to lazy Sundays?

Today was so much fun we went to the Maris Farm and even though it was $10 per kid for the activities it was SUPER fun we were there for almot 4 hours! Unlike yesterday that was a little on the duller side, today was worth the money! We met my parents and I felt a little like we were doing the Puyallup Fair with the crouds, you could at least walk around with out someone being in your bubble. The food was crazy over priced just like the fair I actually think it might have been a little more, but the package deal for the kids play was great. The kids got to do so many fun things, instead of listing them I'll just bore you with all the pictures :). And as a great side note Rick made it out of bed and on time, yup it was a good day! I would type more but after today I'm beat!

One departing thing that became apart today, well two I guess. One one bathroom and 4 people who rush home to use it are not good odds, dad always wins and momma always goes last. And last thing Dad does not like it when a certain 10 year old let's call him Prince R knocks repeatively on the door saying I have to go the bathroom. This is like poking the bear not a good thing! Now that is my wise words of the day, enjoy the pics.
This is the line for tickets (well after 10 minutes and I remembered to take a picture.

I don't mind the line I have a perfect seat!Of course a spider for our face painting!

Now this is face painting done right & it was free (well included in the $5) take that Zoo Boo

Catch me if you can Bapa
Push me daddy this is too fun, I'll make vroom vroom noises
Take me away "Annie" Cole Riding the Cow Train
Mom says I should have rode in Bossy instead Annie
Bapa Being Funny! Monnie being Funny (Like her birds Nest, thanks Cole that is going to stick forever)
Caden wanted to be the ghostCheck out the "Corn Room" really it was a room of corn to play in.
(Wow my hair is really dark isn't it?) "Cow" Roping!

You drive brother, I'll hang on!Corn Maze Adventure
Monnie & Cole Picking a pumpkin

Monnie, Me, Caden & Cole posing with Pumpkins

Daddy, Roy, Me, Caden & Cole (boys just wouldn't look forward) That's all folks, time to go home!

Not bad for $10 for the older boys! Now we must rest for real! Night All!


  1. awwwww!!! This place looks cool! What city is it in? How did you hear about it?

    Posted by A. Cullen on Oct 21, 2008 8:58 AM

  2. Its in Bonney Lake on Old Buckley Hwy! It's super fun and we'll go back next year! I've seen the signs for years but we always go to either spooners (which also sucks) or the one on 410 with the monster truck. Both of those are crap compared to this one. You should take KJ I bet she'd love it and $5 for the courtyard would keep her busy for hours.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!