Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Change is in the air (Good or Bad it's Coming)

Since my life is so calm and nothing ever happens, why not add a move to the mix. Ok stop panicking me personally is not moving but my office is. Tomorrow is the start for the big day and everyone is so happy. Well let me put that into a better ratio that almost everyone is happy with a few exceptions to the rule.

Last week we had the meeting about new dress code and appearance of the office that is also going to be stepping up leaps and bounds. During my review a few months back I was told about the changes and started acquiring new items. Which is so great because you know me and sales, now only if I could look model thin or maybe just look smooth (oh well). So I also took the new dress code and let others know since sometimes I know information doesn't go around like it should. Most had already heard and just went with it and then you always have a few that are resistant to change and don't even go there. So after getting the metaphorical butt chewing (only if it really removed some of ones rear) I left it alone. Back to the present meeting, pretty much everything we knew would happen but we got a nice website to check out what they consider business casual, thankfully it's not suits and stockings I can deal with it.

Foot in mouth insert here! How come it is always me that opens up that can of worms and get the lashing? Note to self do not ask questions to people who are not happy with the change. You will no doubt ably get some of the heat that is not really intended for you but you being the silly girl you are asked the silly question and now are getting it! Stupid ... Stupid! So the dark cloud has appeared and now the cheering up faze has begun. As my last boss pointed out oh so nicely to me "Anyone can do your job, you are easily replaced" yup he was a real winner ... I even stayed there 7 years! Now who's the winner? So from this already stressed out mom I will keep my head high, try my best to dress nice and stop asking silly questions!!

On a positive note my car went into the shop today, they think only 3 days so hopefully back Thursday or counting 3 days does that count today or does that mean I get it back Friday? Any hoo no more wet butts! I'm so excited to get into my car with out having to put a towel down first. Oh even better driving down the freeway with out having the constant whoosh of air like I have the window down first. Nothing was as good as the day I stuck in traffic and it was pouring down not only outside but in the car!! Can you tell that I'm still a little cheesed off about my car door. It just sucks being the person not at fault but having to deal with all the crap that goes on with someone else crap! Why must I be the dumping ground really isn't there a waiting period between the 3 bad thing rule?

That's it for now I'm sure something else will come about soon enough. Today is hair color day, hopefully this time I won't be so dark. Maybe I can go renew my already over due drivers license. I know stop shaking your head I'm crazy about that, already not happy with the post baby body ... but my hair I can change. I can't go in renew and let them change my hair color to brown, because really it's blonde or blondish (darn age) and I want that to stay the same on my license. Yup putting my foot down and I'm sticking to that!


  1. I really wish I had your strength! You have 10 times more to juggle than I do and I feel at times that I can't cope with my situation! The way you are able to let things roll iff your back is a trait I really need to learn. I know eventually life will slow down long enough for you to enjoy it...keep up the good work girlie!


  2. TY Lauren for being such a wonderful friend. I know it sounds crazy, but for some reason it all seems to fit together. Not sure if it's a roll off, maybe more of me tucking and rolling and trying to avoid the constant jabbing! LOL, I wish it would slow down, but then it might dull and I wouldn't know what to do with myself ha-ha. Lex ;)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!