Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I call uncle ...

Last night I went to bed thinking ok I really need some good sleep to kick this stupid cold and get my mind off the results of this CT scan. Well that last a whole glorious 10 minutes before Cole came flying into my room. What's up buddy? My Butt hurts? Then we go thru the whole butt game. Finally he turns to me in puppy eye look and says my poop was too big. Oh the joys of being a mom, really I never thought at age 30ish I would be having night time talks about poop. I should have guessed my night would be centered around poop when daycare told me Caden's was so hard it was leaving dents in his butt. I wish I could say those bumps on my legs/butt where from that ... ahhh the dream. So I gave Caden some apple juice which came to haunted me later that night.

When Rick came in to bed he put Cole to bed and I thought finally I can get a few hours of sleep before I have to go to work. Again that silly optimist in me gets the best of me each time. An hour later I hear Caden crying I go in there to find not only did he poop thru his pants but he threw up all over his bed. Well sleep is over-rated anyways. I get him all cleaned up and in new PJ's, grab a bottle with watered down juice and this time I remember to put a towel down under him. Well that would pay off an hour later when the pucking came back. I get up to get a new towel while Rick cleans up Caden. This goes on for several hours by 6am I literally call uncle hoping the hits will stop coming. I call work and let them that yet again I won't be in, geez thankfully they are understanding if not I would be out of a job. I try to go back to sleep with no luck, I give up and start working on my DVR stock up. Cole has school today and I have full intention of getting him there early for breakfast, well that helps if he is on the same page. Little man didn't have a good nights sleep himself as was being a spiting image of his father. We get to the school 10 minutes after breakfast and Mr. Sunshine says he is not hungry. Whatever!
Back home I go to lay down on the couch, this would be the time that Caden decides to get up. He's not feeling well so to glee (well I don't think I could even must up glee) we hung out on the couch. It was a very lazy day with lots of naps and hopefully on the recovery of becoming human again.

Well after several calls (yup I was stalking my doctor) I finally heard back. It looks like I do have a tumor above my kidney. So it looks like someone was looking down on me and sent me chest pains to get the chest x-ray that lead to 2 CT scan later. I now have some blood test and urine test to determine if it is active (which is bad) or non-active. If active we find out if it's just a bad tumor or cancer. Ugh ... so more test and more money to my deductible! I'm going to run into the lab tomorrow and hopefully get the test back soon. My doctor never done the urine ones for this type of test so she's not sure how long it could take. She said it could be a day or a week. Really do I have to wait yet another week to find out what is wrong with me.

UNCLE ... Did I say it loud enough? Really I think I'm at the end of the rope and can't handle anymore. Thanks to precious moments like this I can still have a smile on my fast! Cole was trying to sing Caden to sleep with his own version of Twinkle Little Star.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Close your eyes
Twinkle Twinkle time to go to sleep
Twinkle close your eyes (with a little authority here)
How I wonder when you're going to sleep!
Up above the bed to hi
Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle

Good Night All I think I need to go curl up in a ball and pray that someone heard my Uncle cry!

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