Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm a big girl now ...

Today was the day and I was going to do it all by myself no calling mom, ok maybe a little help from the Internet but really does that count? So here it is the day I did it by myself, well clean up all goes to my wonderful hubby Rick (yup he gets major high fives today).

When I woke at 6:30am you know feeling fully rested since I went to bed at midnight! I rolled out of bed and got ready to go to K-Mart's Thanksgiving Sale, hey I at least brushed my hair and teeth no comments about the outfit that I wore. All I can say thank you Lord that my children are young and don't want the Wii or whatever Guitar Hero thing people were about to throw down over. All I wanted was a few toys and some DVD's for $3.99 (who can beat that). I did end up standing in line for about 20 minutes since I had to check out in Electronics to buy the DVD's which I thought was a little silly but oh well. All I can say is WOW $250 for a game system and people where so excited about this price? I guess I'm more on the side of less is more? I was talking to a girlfriend and she was talking about a $300 truck that she was getting for her 3 year old, more power to her, in ways I wish I had this money for a gift then on the other hand this gives me heartburn (and no way do I want another ER visit). I think I'll stay away from this items. Is it weird for me to be a little freaked out over gifts this expensive for kids? Man I remember being excited over a phone and a phone line and that was at age 16 and I had to pay the monthly payment, I really think this is the most expensive gift my parents gave to me. Wait when I was 19 they did buy me a car for a $1000, but that was 19 and they were sick of driving me around so it was just as much for them. Ok getting over it and moving on to the day I had.

I was gone a total of 1 1/2 hours when I was about 10 minutes away from the house the phone rings, "Where are You?" Geez you act like taking care of the kids for the 1/2 hour they were up is going to kill you, what do you think I do every night and every weekend? So he has to go back to bed to take a nap since he's so tired, wouldn't that be nice. You know what's on my plate the dinner you're going to eat tonight. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas we have a Sausage and Egg Casserole which is perfect since you make it the night before and then heat the following morning. So while I started on the meal of the day, I put this in the oven for the hungry boys. Pretty soon the house was smelling of yummy sausage and melting cheese and I was bustling around pre-making everything so I can just slip them in the oven when it's time. The boys loved the casserole even though they had to add ketchup, I've created monsters! Everything was ready to go and I got a hair brain idea that we needed to go out and check out who else had sales going on today. We got dressed, put the turkey in the oven and left Rick and Caden who were sleeping soundly. We head to Wal-Mart who is not having a Thanksgiving Sale but if you bring in an add they will match, good to know for next year. Drove over to Target to find they were closed, so headed to a different K-Mart picked up a few more DVD's better lines this time since all the Wii's were sold out (crazy people).

We pull into the driveway and I have my speech all ready to tell mr. sleepy head what I thought of his sleeping in. I open the door and to my amazement my Christmas tree was set up, oh yeah all bad thoughts were gone! He even did all the dishes and PUT them away! He then started on a few little projects I've been asking to be done. I wanted to check to see if the body snatchers had taken him but I was to excited to care. We were gone so long the turkey was almost done, just had to throw the side dishes in and make up the pumpkin pies. Just a simple traditional meal nothing fancy for my first go around. I can't wait to see and read about the meal that Christine @ The Mistress of Cakes because she is just amazing and I wish I had just a fraction of her abilities! So my meal was traditional and not gorgeous but I was excited that I did it all by myself! I even had a nap after dinner and awoke to everything put away in the fridge and ALL the dishes done. Rick so redeemed and has a check mark in the good column, we'll see how long that last!

Rick is off to his second job and we're watching a movie and having some hot chocolate with marshmallows and whip cream! Yummy! Happy Thanksgiving everyone, Blessings to you and your families!
A few pictures of our Thanksgiving!
The Table is Set!
My 1st Turkey by myself! (Love the chili platter?)

What I'm not doing anything!

Ok fine I'll smile!

Yummy meal! Pumpkin Pie, nothing fancy this year!

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