Sunday, November 9, 2008

Keeping my mind off the results ...

First off I want to say Thank you for all the heart warming comments and prayers. I am truly blessed to have people in my life that are here and out there in blogger world =D. You all made my day yesterday and put a smile on my face that has been missing since I got that call on Friday.

Sorry everyone I didn't post yesterday, I was a little out of it. Yesterday I tried to get up at 5am to do the morning show I take calls for, but it just wasn't happening. Besides being stressed out about the CT scan I have the worst head cold known to man. Of course the boys heard me getting up for the umpteenth time I went to rush to the bathroom and had to get up. Out to the couch I go with two rugrats playing cars around me. About an hour later Cole crashed on the floor, so I made Caden a bottle and dropped him off with Rick. Back to the couch I go to leave myself to my thoughts, thank the lord I'm so sick that I can't even think or stay awake.
I wake up with less than a half hour before my mom is to be here to pick me up, guess being sick helped me pass those 5 hours. I guess I should get dressed, hmmm sweats? Ok I know Stacy and Clinton from What Not to Wear would totally be freaking out, but any normal sick day I wouldn't leave the house in them. But what mom said something about going to lunch, maybe one of my dresser sweatshirts and fuzzy pants from Old Navy? Hey better then my Wal-Mart sweats! 20 minutes later mom is knocking on the door, guess I don't really need make up. I at least brushed my teeth and ran the curling iron slightly thru my hair. Mom must have guessed my plan of action this morning, she came baring a new sweater. It didn't look so cute with the black fuzzy pants, guess I better put on slacks. Which then cancels out the white socks and yup the comfy white sneakers. Well there goes the comfy look and here came the black slacks, dress socks and dress shoes. I guess I need to have some make up on also, good bye comfy day hello dressy day while still feeling crappy.

Some how Cole talked his way into going with me and mom, he kept telling everyone that I was sick. I think he may have been worried about me and wanted to come along. The CT scan actually wasn't that scary as I thought. I had to get another IV which was oh so much fun since they tired the same area that the guy at the hospital used. Let's just say after some prodding he had to move to the other arm, hey wants another hole in me right? I was a little worried about the dye they were putting in me since my dad had an allergic reaction once and actually flat lined twice with it. I'm here typing the next day so we know that I'm all good! The dye did burn a little bit like they warned me, but the scan took less than 10 minutes. The bad part you must wait until Monday to find out the results. Ugh ... I so hate waiting plus now I have a day and half of thinking. Maybe this cold is not such a bad thing!

Mom could tell I was worried so she took us to Ram on the waterfront for lunch, yeah a yummy warm crab and artichoke sandwich is calling my name. I know so not on the light diet side but today I'm so not into it! Afterwards mom had to run a few errands so yeah 1 kid and a little me time, what more can I ask for? For about 5 hours I was the lucky lady who got a little peace and quite time. When Mom dropped me off I was in for another surprise. Rick had completely cleaned the house. My buffet side of the kitchen was piled high with paper and clothes (Rick has a horrible habit of taking his shirt off and throwing it there and then getting upset if I move it. The house was still standing and Caden and Roy were still alive, probably a good idea we took Cole with us. Rick wouldn't have been able to handle Cole and Roy fighting and arguing the whole day.

For being a SUPER sweet guy and cleaning the house I picked Rick up his favorite Chevy's for dinner. Then I went back to bed, I tried to get up to do the evening shift on the call center but that didn't happen either. Thankfully I told them this morning I probably won't be in, I wouldn't want to loose this second job. So that was my day wrapped into a nutshell, only 1 more day and I'll find out the results of my test. Today if I can actually make it to the shower I think I'll take the boys to the Children's Museum. Hmm I wonder if sweats can work today?

A few pictures of my great family and things they did to help me keep my mind off the day.

Mom is getting granite for her kitchen. We stopped to check it out and there was a little boy there. Cole and him got to toss around the ball, yup those are racks of granite.

My SUPER clean sink
Check it out the freshly BLEACHED counter tops!
And Tada the clean counter top!
You know it's been months since I knew this existed.
The smiling face waiting for me when I got home.
So not my boy, look at it he took the frosting off!
Mom bought mini cupcakes for the boys.
Here is my wrist from the 1st of the 3 IVs.
Yup it's swollen and very bruised.
All this bruise and it of course didn't even work.


  1. OK Lex ..

    Just checking in. We'll keep up the prayers. Keep us posted on results!

    :) Dana

  2. Glad you are doing a little better. Hurry up and get over your cold so you can come meet the baby! (just kidding - rest up and feel better and take as long as you want doing it).

  3. Thanks for checking on me hanging in there! Only 12 more hours until I can start calling my doctors office. Thanks for thinking of me and keeping me in your prayers.

    Loves Lex


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!