Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And the countdown begins ...

Isn't that the name of a song? Oh geez now I spent 20 minutes googling that fraze, focus! So all the votes are in now it's just a waiting game. They will be counted next Monday and the coveted Shengie (a rolling pin with your name engraved into it) will be ordered. Then we have to wait until the Christmas Party (Christmas Eve) to find out who wins. I would bite my fingernails off if it wasn't for this cold weather breaking them all off. I don't want to think about it but I have a sinking feeling a cake that was all dressed up with browned coconut and a small Nativity scene on the top might be the winning (major style points). Jana's Apple Strussel Cheesecake Bars (sigh) were very good too, so it might swing that way also. So I'm just going to go with there was a inflated number of people who got to vote this year so I'm not going to get bummed if I don't win. Yup I'm so not a good looser .... LOL.

Clock ticking, must find something else to do to keep my mind off this. Oh I know I have to make cupcakes for Cole's party tomorrow, cross your fingers it doesn't snow to bad again tomorrow and school will be closed.

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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!