Friday, December 12, 2008

Curiosity Killed the Cat ...

Well it didn't kill him but I sure was tempted to cancel Christmas. As you know a few weeks back I bought a DS for Cole Christmas preset off Craigslist. It's been wrapped and on top of my dressing closet that our TV sits on. Mind you it's taller then me. I have to reach on my tippy toes to get something on top of it. So I put the wrapped gift up there on the side of the TV thinking out of sight out of mind right? Really do I ever learn who my son is? Mr. Monkey Boy Cole Climbed up my bed (4 poster style), swung from one of the pulls and grabbed the gift, he then took it and unwrapped it. I didn't learn all this until I found him in bed a few hours later sleeping in bed with it. Ugh ... so of course I took it away told him it was for someone else (yeah right like for who) and told him Santa will be very upset and he better be good or no presents. Too Harsh? Ok so I was in almost tears and laughter at the same time, really what is going on in my world. So it is now hidden in the closet, now lets see if I remember it come Christmas time. He'll be opening up all those games and give me that puzzled look like mom the games are great but what am I going to play them on? Oh wait here you go sorry buddy it's not wrapped anymore, hey what you already had the joy of unwrapping it!
That's all for today everyone, it was an extremely bad day at work and I think I'm going to finish watching Batman The Dark Night with my glass of wine (of course in a juice cup because darn if I could find a good wine glass). Those darn mini cupcakes keep calling to me too (thanks mom), I think I got rid of all the chocolate (yup keep telling yourself that).

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Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!