Thursday, December 18, 2008

I found my new logo ...

for my quest to create snow days! How do think I'm doing? LOL, this is the cutest picture it's animated but when transfered it didn't show, but still cute! I just had to share, since you know I'm going to take over the world with this idea! I know I crack myself up too!


  1. Lol..oh my gosh I used to pray for snow days when I was a kid! Hey you..I got a little something for you on my blog..actually two somethings. Come on over...and yes I think that should be your logo!

  2. Isn't it funny how we loose a little of that when we get older. I'm finding my inner child and taking a stand ... LOL.

    Christine your amazing, thank you so much for my awards! I can't wait to add them to my blog. Now to figure out how to do that :).

  3. I had to come check you out, and I can see Mistress is correct in seeing your humor...I moved up North so I can have seasons and snow...had not seen any in Texas since I was 12, now I here it came back...cute kids!

    When you figure out how to add them, please let me know :)

  4. I'm so glad you do and you enjoy my sense of humor :).

    Seasons I'm not sure I know what that is I think I might notice some difference but it's all rain coated ... LOL.

    I'm researching and will let you know ;)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!