Saturday, December 27, 2008

It's a Christmas Miracle ...

The snow has stopped and who knew I would be so excited to see rain again! The roads are looking a lot nicer and for the first time in almost 2 weeks I took my car out of 4 wheel drive. Yup it was a glorious day, except since it rain that meant no ZooLights. Rain + Kids is usually a cause for me to have a nervous breakdown. Public and me having a nervous breakdown may send me to a padded room. Hey wait do you think they would let you take a book? What I could actually get to read in peace! So today I decided to venture to Wal-Mart, you know I could walk the isles and when I need to scream at Cole to come back no one turns a head I fit right in ... LOL. What a thing to be proud of! After our Wal-Mart trip we decided to do Gingerbread Houses. I bought 3 house for Cole, Roy and my girlfriends daughter Kailey to do. Roy got the one house that didn't want to stay up, maybe it was a cosmic payback for Christmas. Who know but his in the only one that didn't work. Cole's and mine looked like a diabetic coma waiting to happen. I never claimed to be Martha or even close to Betty Crocker (unless it's making her cookies my Semi-Homemade way). So let's just say my pipping abilities were on the thick side, hey I guess it's like the way I live my life rich and full ... LOL.

So here are some cute pictures of our decorating skills along with a few of my presents from Rick. He picked them out all on his own, yes gasp and be impressed! Plus a fun one of Cole playing bowling with the set that my MIL crocheted for him and Caden. I love it they are super soft, since you know they have already hit a lamp and bounced off with out breaking it. She so knows my world! Hope you all had a wonderful Saturday!

Me and my new hat and scarf (gloves on bed, I forgot)!
(Yup it's perfect for the cold time of year)
Check out my new Fossil purse
(Wait that doesn't look right, it's too big)
That's better (don't look at the messy bed)
Don't you love the deep thought looks!
Me and the boys decorating our house.
Cole and the Gingerbread House
How it looks on the box (I'm sticking with that was a professional with a real pipping bag, not this cruddy one I cut the corner on. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

Our diabetic Coma waiting to happen.
Cole and the bowling set.
Isn't she amazing, this is the coolest set ever.
Cole in bowling action!


  1. Lovely pics! I am visiting your Saucy blog via SITS.

    Your exchange student sounds like a handful.

    I love your snow pics, seeing as we don't get that over here.

  2. Very adorable!
    My husband and I went and saw ZooLights last night and didn't even rain it was amazing!
    Very cute bag by the way. :D

  3. Love the pictures... very cute, especially the GIngerbread ones! I am stopping by from SITS as well.

  4. Your hubby did great! And the bowling set is just the coolest! We have only had rain this Christmas and yesterday is was 66 degrees! In Ohio! The good thing about Ohio is if you don't like the weather, wait a day and it will change. We normally have lots of snow by now, so I understand the cabin fever associated with that. As my hubby says, "Spring is on the way!" He conveniently leaves out the fact that Spring is 3 months away. ;-)

  5. I tried that kit with my kids, just did not work for us, maybe my comic payback??? I got a huge purse too...a Liz Claiborn to carry my poetry books around...

    Happy New Year!!!

  6. Lovin' the purse! I love all purses!

  7. Okay, I have to tell you, I enjoyed your post...but I LOVE the name of your blog! I am a single parent of a 17-year-old...and I can't TELL you how many times I've wanted to say those exact words. Totally makes me laugh out loud! Thanks for the smile!

    Oh, just visiting from SITS.

  8. Thanks for stopping by my SITStas, I so appreciate all your smiling faces and comments.

    I'm now off to bake yet another several dozen cookies, yippee!

  9. I forgot to say that you can grab the Sisterhood award off my blog and pass it on to whomever you'd like! I created it for people to use!

  10. How cute. I say the more frosting the better! They won't let you take books into a padded cell,you could poke your eyes out with the pages.

  11. Yay for no snow!!! Cute pictures, looks like you guys had fun with those houses.


  13. What a fun and saucy blog! Perfect reason to go to Walmart I would say...Happy day!

  14. Awesome pictures!

    Happy New Year!

    :^) Anna

  15. Thanks girls for stopping by!

    For those of you who don't know about this site check it out, a great place to meet mommy bloggers and other fun bloggers This is SITS:

    I'm a crazy mom with a camera it's always in my purse, so watch out or one of you may end up here :).

  16. Merry Christmas and your right...the bowling set is awesome. Thanks for sharing your pictures...your so dang cute!!

    Posted by Ms. Vanessa on Myspace Dec 27, 2008 11:45 PM

  17. Thanks Ms. Vanessa, your always such a ray of sunshine. Thanks again for being my friend, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :).

  18. That's a CUTE pic of you I love the hat!! Thank you for having us over for the gingerbread houses!! :)

    Posted by Anngie on Mysapce Dec 29, 2008 8:41 AM

  19. Thanks Anng, that flat hair looks suits me ... LOL

    I'm so glad you two came over it was so much fun!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!