Saturday, January 24, 2009

Did my cry's for Uncle work? Or was it just temporary insanity?

I don't know what happened but the stars align for a break 6 hours in my life I only had 1 child at home. Our Exchange student's mom came here for a visit and he went to stay with her for 9 WHOLE DAYS. Those who are new to my blog, we've been having a heck of a time with a very ungrateful and sometimes just darn out rude kid. I'm hoping a little time with mom will help with these last 4 mo 18 days and 5 hours and 25 minutes go fast. What do you think that sounded a little rude?? Sorry I just couldn't help myself. Then my mom and dad came and picked up Cole. I was so excited I had big plans, maybe we'll go to the library or do a little shopping. Then I thought no I owe money to the library and to come to think about it we don't have any extra money for shopping. Heavy sigh, I guess I will just have to check out what the current giveaways. Yeah you know how hard that was, since I'm so NOT into giveaways. STOP rolling your eyes I'm trying to turn over a new leaf here, one of honesty and hope for a new day. Ok I really need to work on that!
So you know all the fun stuff I got to do was of course dishes, laundry and trying to get over a stomach bug! And now guess what Cole is back and it's like he has to have a double sugar high! I don't know what the heck my parents gave him but he's bouncing, I really mean it off the couch, off the bed and any other piece of furniture that "gets" in his way! So that peace and calm I felt for 6 hours is long gone and now all I have is crying Caden and screaming Cole. Yup that is their new names from now on, Pinching Roy will be back soon too! Maybe I can just leave off their names and I'll have crying, scream and pinching? Now look at that it's like my own person little dwarfs, hey they are small and they are the modern day 7 dwarfs minus 4 since I might pull out all my hair.
Just a side note since Cole has been home mind you around 1 hour! My antique hat box lid has been broke, since didn't you know it was meant to stand on! My once upon you know 2 hours ago clean front room is littered with toys, Cole's bed has all the sheets on the floor and thanks mom I have fish crackers leading a path to their room. Which would be great if Hansel and Gretel came upon us and needing a trail but come on my house is only 1200 SF I think I can find their room just fine! I'm going to run away for real, where is my trail to the nearest martini?
Check out the pictures of the day!

Check out the laundry (minus one load in the dryer and one in the washer)
But wait I go into Roy's Room and find MORE!Highlight or low light not sure if the stomach or the diet wins yet!
Mom came and filled the Grandma cookie jar, with shortbread cookies.
Lemon Curd, Raspberry and Apricot
Thank you MOM!
Look at this she brought of 2 laundry soaps, 1 Oxclean and 1 fabric softener!
Can I say Thank you enough?
Caden even helped putting the clothes in the dryer :).
And a bonus surprise!
My Bestie Tarra bought me a pair of Calvin Klein Jeans.
Check out this shopper, Start at $89.50, then $53.70 then $30 something and end at $9.99
Rock on Macy's!
And one last prayer to the toilet that the new pipes hold!
I CAN NOT go another night with a broken toilet in a one bathroom house!


  1. I was expecting to see your head popping up out of the laundry, lol

    If I was there I would so help you and make those boys eat every cracker off that know 5 second rule, lol

  2. Wow you had me totally exhausted by the end - did you say you got a 6 hr break?? I thought I read that at the beginning but somehow that got lost!! Forget the bags just head on over for a nice hot cup of coffee - oh and don't forget to bring those scrumptous cookies!!:}

  3. thanks for stopping by my blog. i love your title!

    hope you can find some peace and quiet to eat your cookies in today!

  4. How funny that we keep roll calling together :) Apparently we are meant to read one another's blogs :) (I became a follower of your blog!)

    I have always wondered what you would do if you had an exchange student and it went south...YIKES! I hope the time spent with his mom helps....

    What a great grandmom to fill the cookie jar and buy you those 'goods". YIPPEE!

  5. Girl.. if you think that's a pile of laundry.. just come to our house! We just pile it up in our closet and dive in and dig out what we want to wear that day!!

  6. Only I would get the one kid that really just doesn't care. I guess I should be greatful what the heck would I blog about if I had a perfect life. LOL like that so is a real thing!

    Felicia you crack me up now that would be a picture for wordless Wednesday :).

    LOL Thanks girls for stopping by and following!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!