Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years and Let's end it with a bang (well maybe a flutter ...)

What a year 2008 was with all it's up and downs I found a wonderful way to deal with the crazy days and how to get threw them. So my fellow bloggers and friends hope you had a wonderful year and ended it with style or at least with a little something special.

The way yesterday was going I didn't think the end of 2008 was going to be bright. It started with a urgent proposal that mind you I got out the door with plenty of time! That left one more that I just needed to send info to 3 other firms. By the end of the day my list had grown to 6 since procrastination seems to be the name of the game! Since on Tuesday I printed it out got it back with a few changes, I thought it was going to be a slam dunk. I quickly found out nope the notes weren't made and where being made at that moment (mind you 3pm). Looks like this girl is coming in at 5am since I have no daycare for Friday and Rick works. Oh joy I get to go in at the butt crack of dawn and work while everyone at my house is sleeping. Then come home when everyone is up! Joy to me.

Let me rewind just a little bit, you see Cole's school was to close at 3pm. I had it all worked out Rick was to pick him up and keep him until around 4ish and I would leave work a half hour early. See that silly little optimist always gets me, really (mental head thump) I need to know my world never goes as planned. So of course Rick has a REALLY bad tooth ache (I won't put in here that I've been on him for years to get this fix, oh crap I did). So that meant that he was dropping Cole off at my work, ok anyone with kids knows a 4 year old (BOY) sitting still for more then a half hour is too much to ask. At that time he played for about a half hour on his DS and then lost his marbles. Did I mention that on of the bosses was working on the project with me, and brought me changes. Yup this is when my adorable little boy decided to touch buttons, mine and everything in the office. He bounced balls, screamed, ran around and just about drove me nuts. Now you wonder why MOM couldn't you handle your child. 1 I was in public and couldn't beat the crud out of him (just playing). 2 After under my breath threatening him to sit down he kept it up and every time I tried to get him my boss would walk in with changes. So there you have it the moment every mom wants to just break down and cry. Instead I finished up my job and walked out the door at 6pm! Yes you read that correct so even though I wanted to throw Cole he did have to stay at my office for 3 1/2 hours, since Rick dropped him off at 3:30. I think this may been the moment to sent a mom to drinking ... LOL yup this girl that maybe has a glass of wine every 6 months!

So I packed the kids up and head up to my girlfriends house to party like it was 1999! Well I guess a PG version of that year, back then I was wild and carefree! This year the kids stayed in the playroom and the other room with the Wii. While the grown ups rocked out on Rock Band, oh yeah a bunch of 30's something now isn't that a hoot? 3 Mojoto's with a twist of Pomegranate later I was singing up a storm. Yup every animal that could hear that pitch was running for cover. I'm just glad that my fellow rockers had a few beers and couldn't (fingers crossed) hear my awful singing. Telling you a way to end a horrible day and a year that had so many ups and downs I wanted to put the Roller Coaster closed sign on!

Thanks girls for reading my ramblings, I hope to keep you laughing and shaking your head all of 2009!


  1. Whoa hoooo you go girl, I bet you are a hoot when you have a few!

    'beat the crude' now how many times have I said that about my own kids, little on some one elses, LMAO :)

  2. You poor thing! I have SO been in your shoes before. Glad you had a good time at the party. Remember, they say that one glass of red wine a day is heart healthy. That is all I needed to hear. We bought a wine cooler last year. German Spaatlese is yummy too, although it does not fall under the category of red wine. Another REALLY good wine is Oliver. Believe it or not, it is made in Indiana. These are all soft, sweet to semi-sweet wines. I know I sound like a wine-o, but I'm really not. Usually open about one bottle a month. Of course, said bottle is emptied within 30 minutes of opening....ha,ha!

  3. Happy 2009....I threatened to murder mine in Lowes the other day.....HA

  4. Rock Band all the way Baby!! Happy New Year!

  5. Girls you crack me up! Thanks so much for stopping by. Debra so going to try some of those wines. Cammie yup we had a melt down there also, isn't it GREAT ;).

    Go Nana no one can rock like you!

  6. You and I like cupcake cakes, sweet wine, and the exact same kind of books! You are like the younger version of me, only better! ;-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!