Saturday, January 3, 2009

I can't say it enough how I've meet some truly amazing ladies this last month. It's so nice talking with you and know that really my kids aren't the only phsyco ones running up and down Wal-Mart isles. LOL

For these special ladies I have an amazing award that Diana made up.


Diana says this about the award

"I've created a new blog award called the Sisterhood Award (inspired by The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants). This is a special award that should be given to your best bloggy girlfriend(s). Give them the award to thank them for their special friendship."

And the Award goes to:

Chef E at The Behind the Wheel Chef - By pure chance commenting on another friends blog we got to talking, and I look forward to every day of her yummy blogs and comments.

Debra at Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History - How is another amazing mom that always makes me smile, another one I look forward to her comments. She's the best and even offered to send me box tops now that is a true friend.

Misadventurous Mommy at My Mommy Said - Is super fun blog to read and I agree with her I think we're both a little misadventuruous. Oh lord don't get the two of us in the same room :). - Has the best reviews and giveaway. Plus she is one of the nicest moms, I truly adore her. She is the nicest person and even does some free blog designs, you MUST check her out. Follow her so you don't miss one of her giveaways! (Check out my blog design she did for my CCC Wars, it's super cute)

Shalee at Sometimes it’s Good to be Speechless - is a super sweet girl that makes me want to be in my twenties again. She's on a mission to do 365 days of pictures. I'm going to try girlie!

Mistress - I could never forget you! Your yummy post always make my mouth water. Thank you for being so kind and making me want to strive for better meals!

Email me girls and I can send you the html code for the award if you want ;).

And my friend Misadventurous Mommy gave me an award! Isn't that the sweetest thing! And it's the cutest award, I just love it! Thanks my dear.


  1. Awe thank you!!! :D

    I feel honored! Thank you.

    You are a wonderful bloggy friend too :D

  2. Thank you for all the enjoyable reads.The title to your blog sooo sounds like my mom. LOL

  3. You are so seet and I am so honored! This is the sweetest thing ever!

  4. True and pure hearts shine through even the crummiest of days...even those those boys drive us nuts when they are young...we get to harass them when they grow up!

    Just remember to back up the hard drive with their blackmail photos :)

  5. Come over I decided to put my creative rear into a gift for you! oh, go to the TMI will figure it out!

  6. You are seriously making me cry! Bless your precious heart!!

    Did I win an award too??

    WOW!!!!! You are super super sweet!

    Not to mention hilarious!

  7. I love you all! You make each day a joy for me to go on with it.

  8. Thank you so much! I love reading your blog and it's so nice to know I'm not the only one with crazy kids! You're a doll!

  9. You know what? I am so happy to see that you are finally getting some recognition! Yes I am back and better than ever...just did my first post!!!! With my own pictures!!!! And you are welcome darlin!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!