Sunday, January 11, 2009

Last Day of the Birthday Weekend

I'm happy to report after a little sleep and a few cups of coffee (thank you Rachael) I had a much better day. I even hung out in my PJ's until an hour before the party! I finished up my shift around 1:30am last night (technically this am) and finish my blog. I went to bed to find the 4 year old took over the whole bed, his feet on MY pillow and grunted when I tried to move him to the middle of the KING bed! He was a joy to sleep with all night, those feet and my back became real good friends. He did allow me to sleep until 8:30am which was a miracle and a nice way to start the day.

Today was a much calmer time around the house and everyone seemed to get along, fingers crossed my heated warning yesterday was taken to heart. The boys even watched Hancock while I played around on the internet, darn I just can't help myself looking for Cupcakes for my CCC Wars blog :). Yes that was a selfish plug (now click on over there) CCC Wars Website. My mom showed up with a coffee pot, since this is the second Saturday in a row that mine has leaked on the counter tops. Don't get Rick started my cream colored tiles with the white grout is not looking pretty (check out the picture). Guess who will be bleaching it tonight, me! I was super excited she walked in with this amazing new box, I was thinking wow did she just buy me one? Then I saw the price of $150 and knew she must have bought a new one and given me the old one. Which no complaints here it's a nice Cuisinart one! So filled the Grandma's Cookie jar with new cookies and took off.

We went to our 3rd Birthday Party of the weekend, and had lot's of fun. Not much screaming or crying with 15+/- kids in their house. If anyone is looking for a very cute house in Tacoma, let me know theirs is on the market! It was such a relief to go a party where stuffy moms were standing on the sides not speaking to each other. Plus lots of yummy food, these peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate that were to die for. Rachael warned me if I didn't want to gain 80lb to stay away, girl you so know me. This coming from a new mom that is like a size zero, you can hate her I do :) ... ha-ha.

We left the party to get my oil change which I called before we got to the party to see if I could get in. They closed at 5pm, so I said I'd be there at 4pm. He gave me the whole it may take longer then 5pm, but we'll stay open for your business ... whatever dude! We get there and I get the classic guy working in shop that thinks women are dumb. I give him my coupon (yup I busted out with a coupon for $12.99 for Firestone, anyone need one let me know) and he of course gave me the where did you get this coupon. Hello Google is my friend, he of course had to take it but was not happy. I took the boys shopping next door and we get a call 10 minutes before 5pm saying my car is ready and where are you? Hello I'm packing up the car I'll be right there, Mr. Snotty who tried to say it wouldn't be done until after 5pm to make me guilty to come early. He must not be married, he had no clue that he was messing with a mastermind women! I'm happy to say it was a wonderful day, I'm now off to find a new bread recipe and finish dinner.

Here Brother I'll push you. Got to love the little one pushing the big one.
Just some of the kids hanging out.
New Best Friends! Caden and Jacob (Birthday Boy).
The box!
I'm happy with that! Check all the stuff it has to have!
Let's see what I have for dinner!
Yummy Shepard's Pie (wannabe) - Rachel Ray with my twist, hate peas.


  1. I defended your honor on ChefE's blog lol...

    Gloria was going for blood jeez...

    And furthermore I am going to harass you everyday for not visiting my blog until you do!!!

    Shame on you!

    Christine lol


  3. I get tired just reading all that you do in one day! Piss on the guy at Firestone. LOL! Sorry, I am frisky and just felt like that needed to be stated.

    BTW - I signed the offer letter yesterday. They grandfathered my seniority with the other companies that I have worked for since it was for the same customers (i.e., the government) AND I got a 6k raise! OMG! I literally had a hot flash when I saw the!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!