Monday, January 19, 2009

A little Mom time and Men vs Women Shopping Experience

Mom Time in '09 Party

My friend Felicia who is just a peach has an amazing Mom Time Part going on. You must check her out. Her site is Go Graham Go and Jolly Mom is also teaming up for this wonderful party. Today they put up a question that if you answer you get 5 Extra Entries so here it goes, you know I'm a prize whore and love doing the extra for extra links :).

What is it that you do to take time for yourself?

Well Reading is something I love to do and many times I never get time, but when I can lock myself in the bathroom for a few minutes I love to read! Now since being a mom I listen to books on CD which help me keep my mind going at all times, I can listen to a book in a day to two. Love the library that lets you check out what they call Ebooks, that ROCKS! My other guilty pleasure is not something I do but something I have done to give me time for myself and also keep my sanity (the little tread that is left). A while back I hired a cleaning lady who comes once a week for 2 hours, she cleans my bathroom (yes girls the toilet too) during the two hours she also vacuums, cleans the kitchen and dreadful floors! Yup girls I will admit it and it so worth every penny! I'll work extra hours just for someone to clean my toilet, I know it may sound silly but man do you know what a toilet looks like after 3 boys use it. Just ponder that one.

Me and My latest book!

Now onto my random thoughts of the day! This is what kills me I sent Rick to pick up one item he came back with 4 items. I look at the receipt and he spent $23 and some change. Today I go to the store of course I go to the bargain grocery store and leave hauling out 4 bags of groceries for get this $23.09. Yup you know it Men vs Women shopping is so different. I look for the bargain and plan meals depending what is on sale. My dear hubby support his manly man role that shopping on a budget is beyond him. Yes he will be the first to ask where all the money went at the end of each month, when you politely remind him of his shopping habits you will get the hairy eyeball and look I grew a 3rd eye he's staring at! That my darling friends is the difference between men and women shopping. We will bargain shop find the best deal and then get called at the end of the month for spending all the money. Oh joy, did I sign up for this? Hope you all had a good laugh, I'm sure I will in a few days when I go and read this. Right now I think I need go bang my head on the wall.

His Bag (yes 1 bag)

My four bags (plus the bread)


  1. Your too hubby is the same way...and he has not clue what brands I buy either...I will ask for something and he will bring three of them, but different brands...says he could not remember...cell phone sweetie!

  2. That is too funny and so true! I hope the wall you beat your head on is padded. (evil smile!)

  3. Oh my goodness I am laughing so hard! Sounds like our house FOR SURE!! Bless their hearts!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!