Monday, February 2, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Clean YOUR Room MOM!

Wow long time no type, huh? I'm so sorry girls, it's been a whirlwind around here for the last few days. After the blow of cut hours, my last full week of work turned into a shove everything at Alexis while she's here for 40+ hours! I even ended working Saturday to get this proposal due for Monday which of course is now my day off ... UGH!! Then my youngest Caden came down with a fever that took 3 days to break! You would think my life would be so easy with the exchange student gone for the week, but true to form of my life "NO DICE". Yes the cackle you hear is Mother Nature of the Karma God laughing at me! So that leaves me with no time to sit down for myself or let alone take care of the house. Did I mention that Roy's mom was coming on Sunday Morning to see the house etc???

So thankfully after working 5 hours for my part-time call center job, then going to my work and working a few hours (did I mention I had Cole with me ... yeah I found it comical too). I came home to find my carpets cleaned, my floors washed and the front room dusted! Yup hubby cleaned the house, oh yeah it was his birthday too. Poor guy we were so broke he didn't get his present, until today which is payday! He then had to go to work and left me with the boys who needed to get out so we went to my parents house. I came home to do the night shift at the call center and that wraps up Saturday. Then comes Sunday, wake up get the boys ready. Run to Kinko's to finish my project for work, grab some groceries to feed the crowd for Superbowl and back home to get ready. Before I know it Roy and his mom are here, and I lock myself in the bathroom to put make-up and do my hair. Needless to say everything left out was thrown in the one room we wouldn't show Roy's mom, yup you got it my bedroom. So with out further ado I show you my Make Something Monday! Ok I know I may be pushing the guidelines but I think Felicia @ Go Graham Go! won't come after me for not following the rules completely :).

A few post ago I showed you the laundry I did, what I didn't show was what happens between sick kids and crazy work schedule when you don't fold this laundry. As a fellow blogger told me that at her house they have clothing diving ... LOL I just loved that and then my house became that way. No I won't tell you who it was my lips are sealed! Ok I am only human say strawberry cheesecake (so not on the diet) or hey winning an awesome giveaway say one of those $130 purses??? Ok no I'll keep it to myself (just send it in a plain brown package ... no one will ever know). Ha-ha, ok girls here it goes if some of you have a weak stomach please stop here because before it gets pretty it's scary and ugly!

Make Something Monday

I'll start of slow, before I show you the real scary part!
Here is the bed! Yes no sheets, did I mention Caden threw up too?
Ok now the scary shot! Here is the path to Rick's closet.
Sad to say no this is not all his stuff, it has mine and the boys clothes!
Really this is a start I got it sorting with his and mine clothes in piles.
Yes that really was a bench under all those clothes!
Can you believe his closet could look that good?
That leaves just my clothes!

Phew my closet done! Yes it's color coded.
And can you believe there was a bed under there too??


  1. Aww man.. that would have made for some fun laundry diving! Please tell me you did that before you put it up!

    LOL!!! BTW.. Jolly Mom is a part of the meme too... if you wanna link to her she is WAAAYYYY craftier than me too!

  2. You silly girl! I thought I posted a pic of my train wreck, lol, yes, say you dived right into that?

    Okay now here are directions to my hubby is need of some organizing...oh never mind his will not stay that way for more than a DAY!

  3. I think this an awesome Make Something Monday post! You wanna come help me Make My House Clean? LOL

    Aww...thanks are crafty too, woman!

  4. You wanna come to my house and clean my mess up? I am not sure what you will find under the piles. I hope it isn't anything as big as a bed though. :)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!