Saturday, February 28, 2009

My 2nd Review for Eden Fantasys!!!

I have gotten another amazing item to review from Eden Fantasys! This time I was allowed to go on to their website and pick out an item. So I put the kids to bed and logged on to Eden Fantasys and asked Rick to come look with me. He of course was going a different route then me so I had to steer him to what I was thinking! We decided on a Treasure Trove Gift Tin in Strawberries and Champagne, yummy! Yes I always lead with my stomach what can I say!

Ordered it and off I went on my way, I can't tell you how quick it arrived! I mean with in days it was super fast. You should have seen Rick's eyes as they bugged out when I opened the package! What an amazing set it includes three delicious Strawberries and Champagne: a powder with its own feather applicator, skin-warming, taste-tantalizing Oil of Love and Stimulating Pleasure Balm to excite desire and heighten sensual pleasure for both of you.

Check it this is what I got:

Discreet shipping, so nosy neighbors!
My surprise inside
The whole kit

Before I shared the Treasure Trove Gift Tin with Rick I had to show some of the girls. Now as you know I'm a rather fun loving person but passion and sensual items I've never been the one to talk about them. Well in my 30's I've decided to be a little bit more open and you can't believe how nice it was to actually talk to my friends about the bedroom. It was such an opening experience having us 3 different women talking about our love life's. One is a stay at home mom, one is a single mom just getting back into the dating world and me this crazy mom that works 2 jobs. Now at first I must admit I blushed and was a little embarrassed, but after a while talking it was actually really fun and nice to talk and know that we are all the same. I even learned about some new items that they have tried and love to use. Who knew that I could have my own version of Sex and the City moment!

So here I am girls 32 almost 33 and learning that it's time for mommy and also make sure the passion and love is in our relationship. I have also learned it's kind of fun to open up and chat with my closet friends and it wasn't that embarrassing. Ok well yes I still blushed but it wasn't as painful as I thought. So with out further ado just go on over to Eden Fantasys and check out my new favorite mom and dad time item the Treasure Trove Gift Tin in Strawberries and Champagne.

Still a little curious before going over there ok here is what Eden Fantasys had to say about the Treasure Trove Gift Tin:

A surefire way to change an ordinary night into one you’ll never forget, this irresistibly fragrant kit is scented with strawberries and champagne and designed to set the perfect mood; the specific assortment of ingredients-honey dust, oil of love and pleasure balm-comes in an elegant mural-style tin and seems to make all the stress fade away after a long day.

The honey dust powder comes in a pouch with a little feather duster to apply it with and sweetens the skin while moisturizing it, but sometimes the process can be more rewarding than the end result. The aromatic pleasure balm provides a cool and tingly feel, and the oil of love, our favorite part, actually warms with friction when you massage it into your partner’s skin, and that’s when things really start to get hot; we think you know how to take it from here…


  1. Whoo! What a pretty set. Yep, I am such a girl. I love things that are not only functional but pretty as well. I wish you lots of fun with it!

  2. So neatly packaged. Awesome review. Now I'm getting nervous. Stopping in from the VGNO. Come on over and see what's going on.

  3. Wow! What fun...reviewing products for the boudoir. I love it. Definitely not something that you see everyday in the blogosphere.

    So what were your thoughts on the product? Do you report back after giving everything a try?


  4. I used to hide my stuff like that in the bedroom drawers, but my son confessed, and wanted to know what the feather thing was, and why did I have powder that smelled like honey, I said "Oh honey, it also taste like honey, and sweeter things happen with it than you can imagine", lol, he left it alone after that!

    TMI girlfriend, that is what we call it in my circles!

    I am going to check this stuff out, do you get discounts if we mention your name?

  5. Can I be a rep? I just want to try stuff...oh and I am emailing you a real funny TMI thing today!

  6. Good review! I checked out the website and was really entertained! You did a really top notch job with this! ;-)

  7. Ohh, another great review! It's great that you're opening up and sharing with your girlfriends. I used to think talking about personal things had to be crude and rude, you know, all snickering and lewd innuendos. The realisation that it doesn't have to be like that makes me wish I had a girlfriend to share things with. And I sure would love to score a gig like this, lol!
    Can't wait for your next review :)

  8. Hehe..this is great..and may I say good for you! Everyone else has the hang ups not you! Mine is kind of a food blog otherwise I wouldn't care lol! How does one get to review stuff anyhow? It doesn't neccesarily have to be Eden...but just different products?

  9. If you only knew me say 10 years ago ... you would die laughing. Like my girlfriends I was talking to they couldn't believe I even busted out this box. LOL My one friend that has known me for 20+ years was completely shocked I wrote a review. I've always been that shy person about this and when ever anyone talked about it I was off to another room. Who knew it could be fun talking to your friends about this? LOL I know everyone I'm so behind on the train.

    But it was super fun getting to pick an item and even sitting with Rick to pick one. Mind you this really is our first real item like this. I know poor guy I'm so prudish at times. Hey I'm finally opening up!

    TY so much for stopping by and checking out the review and all the wonderful and kind comments I really appreciate them all. I think we may just be lucky and get to do a giveaway!!! Fingers crossed girls this may just be coming to one lucky ladies house!!

    P.S. E your TMI almost made me pee my pants. I think you need to share with the class!

  10. Hi there! Mamarazzi sent me over to say hi and I'm really glad I did. What a cool thing to review!

    Have fun with it. ;)

    Take care and I'm following you now so I don't miss out on anything.

  11. EEEEEEK! Delicious! Could have done with the feathers today (YOU know what I mean lol). I'm glad you stopped by!

  12. Hi! Just wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog! (I'm glad you did so I could find you and this fabulous review! I am sure my husband will be glad you stopped by my blog too once he hears about Eden Fantasty's treasures! lol!)

    Hope you don't mind me sticking around! Love your blog!

  13. ooh la la...

    thanks for stopping by my blog. come again soon!

  14. Love it! I got that set from my hubby for Valentine's Day.

  15. Thank you for visiting my blog :) I'm following you :)

  16. Thanks girls for all the comments! I'm super excited that you all stopped by!and enjoyed the review! Keep checking back, hopefully soon we'll have a giveaway :).

  17. I love Eden's Fantasy and um adult toys in general and ordering them online is much less embarrassing for some people than walking into Hustler, which I used to be terrified of but not so much anymore...I guess I'm just a freak! Great review!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!