Tuesday, March 17, 2009

FFFF #18: My Former Years, Part Two

My friend Melissa is having a Retro Party and I had to find some photos :). Lucky for me I did a post last year, so I'm re-blogging it ;). HEHE now that is some hair!

Retro Runway - Frugal Creativity

Mom and Dad's Wedding! 3rd Grade.What is up with the crazy hair ... 4th Grade Still crazy hair but check out the earrings. 5th Grade Well the hair grew and more groovy earrings 6th Grade


Ok Diana over at Diana Rambles (also an amazing blog designer if anyone is interested Custom Blog Designs) has Family Foto Fun Friday each week. Were you have a whole week to post a picture for that weeks challenge. Usually I'm really bad and post mine on Thursday (the last day of the challenge), but today I thought I do it a few days early. What I actually had to get all the kids in the car drive up to mom and dads (hey a 35 min ride) and dig thru all her photo books, framed photos and a drawer! And I was able to find a few to share with you! So go on over to see Diana and sing up for this. It's really fun to see everyone when they were young. Last week I did baby/toddler and this week is Elementary! Here it goes!


  1. Totally am loving the pictures!!!! I too had my wonderful collection of big, plastic, multi colored earrings growing up... talk about style! :-)

  2. I so had the horrible 4th grade hair...someone talked me into getting a perm when my hair has always been straight and it just looked hideous!

    Love the earrings...I so had a crap load of those!

  3. How cute! I love those earrings lol I think 4th grade is a bad picture year all around. If I can find mine I will show it to you lol

  4. I think I had that hair too! LOL! Ugh! and those earrings!

    That was the 80's!

  5. Don'tcha just love the 80s??? You can tend you lived through them, when you can spot pics from then!
    As I recall my 4th grade pic wasn't the best either.......Your 6th grade pic is great! So sweet......

    Hmmmmm...maybe I should pull out some of mine........maybe.....

  6. You are so freaking adorable!!! My hair was 'naturally' ringy, and I have to blow dry it straight each time I soap it up!

    Tonight I have open mic and then Robert and I have some green beer to down at the pub! but you will see later on today when I post my 'Green' blog you have been granted a wish...

  7. Great pictures! Love the earrings!
    Wish I could get my scanner to work so I could post some blasts from the past.

  8. Awwww, aren't you a cutie. Happy St. Patty's day to ya.

  9. I have to say that I love the curls. You are way cute.

  10. Too Cute :) love the earrings though!!!

  11. I had so many of those plastic colored earrings too! LOL

  12. You know I finally threw out my triangle and color plastic earrings not that long ago, still hanging on to the bracelets that do not fit over my fat hands...hmmmmmmm...what to do? A sculpture maybe, lol

  13. Ok you and me both w/ the troubles.. I tried to leave comments too this one better work!!
    The 3rd grade pic makes me happy happy happy, The shadow effect back then Rocked! Thanks for sharing yer pics...

  14. Bringing back the memories of the 80's! Cole is the male version of you for sure!


    P.S. I have been in a "quiet" mode this past week. Not sure what is going on. Missed you!

  15. Great pictures! I love this idea! Not sure I want to share my photos though. My mom thought it was a really great idea to have my hair permed throughout elementary school. LOL

  16. AWESOME!!
    Awww....ar you kidding? I had a nice collection of earrings too!!
    Not to mention,the higher I could get my bangs,the better!lol
    LOVE EM"!!

  17. Very nice & sexy!!! LOL! Great hair...wait til the new one is posted this week...I have mullet hair!

  18. Oh by the way...I thought you were joking when you said you posted this on Tuesday!! LOL!

  19. How cute! You look very much the same as you do now (except for the crazy 4th grade hair)!

    Thanks for linking up to the party!

  20. I remember those earrings! Too funny... and cute!

  21. Too cute! You were seriously stylin' in 5th and 6th grade! My 6th grade pic is dreadful.

  22. HA
    love the school pics!
    thanks for playing

  23. OH, you are just too cute! I love your hair and I think the earrings are just so adorable.
    I see where your boys get their smiles. Caden looks just like you!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!