Monday, March 30, 2009

Make Something Monday ... SOS anyone ?

Make Something Monday

I'm a make something Monday breakfast. This time I bring to you SOS, nope I'm not going to tell you what my dad use to say that was for. I will just call them Sausage Gravy over biscuits :). This was another super easy one that everyone loved and it is one of my all time favorites from growing up. Heck I still love it before kids Rick and I use to go to a dinner every Sunday and I would get a heaping plate of SOS. Today I'm doing much better with my portions and sticking to my small plate. Check it out, my helper was gone this morning but Rick was home for a little while before leaving for work so he was able to enjoy.

What I need to start the biscuits.
Check out a different cup this time.
My biscuits cut out and ready to go.
Make the Country gravy, yup I cheat :)
Add the sasuage to the gravy.
Yummy sasuage gravy is ready.
Biscuits out of the oven!
Cut open 2 biscuits.
Ta Da add the gravy and you're ready to serve.


  1. Wow, you actually get up in the morning and make bisquits to go with breakfast. You wanna come over??? You are so my hero. My kids would love that. Don't forget to email me something. You know what I'm talking about. Need it by Wednesday.

  2. Your recipes always have me drooling over my keyboard! lol

  3. OMG I have to run out to the market and make that now, Thanks a lot, lol

    You make it just like I do, nice and chunky yummmmmmm...and I am serious about this now!!! I am keeping a list of what I want you to make, and you keep day, yes one day!

  4. You are truly my best friend.. this is my fav breakfast food!!

    Ok.. i need to get my msm up quick!

  5. OH man!! I haven't heard of SOS since back in the day when I was IN the Navy... only they made it with chipped beef.. eeeewwwwww! You had me at bisquick babe:-)

  6. I've never had this before but you make it sound yummy! Mr. H would be all over it LOL

  7. Hey Poser,

    Did you miss me? I missed you. I hope you had a great weekend. I will have to check out what you are giving away next. What a free breakfast cooked in my home? NO Way!!!!!

  8. yummy yummy in my tummy!! oh how i wish i coulda been at your house when you made this! i was born and bred on it, best brkfast EVA on sat. morning!! seriously though.. you must think im a pig! lol!!

  9. mmmm... biscuits & gravy.... mmmm... that is my favorite... I can throw those babies DOWN!

  10. First of all, kudos to you for getting up and COOKING! My kids get frozen pancakes/waffles for breakfast. Now you got my mouth watering, pass me a biscuit...plenty of butter :)

  11. Growing up in our house SOS was what my Dad called cream dried beef on toast (I LOVE the stuff and everyone else in my house hates). Which was what was refrenced earlier by DiPaola Momma. I LOVE biscuits and gravy. Love, love, love 'em.

  12. There is NOTHING better for breakfast than Sausage gravy and biscuits!!!

    Lol @ your Dad! Mine does crazy stuff like that! :)

    This week, my make something Monday is on How to Make Candles and Wax Tarts.

  13. Hands down, my husband's favorite breakfast. I thought I was doing well this morning refilling his coffee mug. Perhaps I need to try harder ;)

  14. Yum! Sausage gravy on biscuits! I bet Rick loved that he was home for that! :-)

  15. This is what I have on my birthday. Love B&G!!

  16. Now that is what we call bisquits and gravey. Yum Yum Yummy Yum.

    SOS or SH** on a Shingle (am i right?) is what my husband calls it, and he only made this beauty once,and it grossed us all out...badly. His shingle is toast, and oh I don't know it really did taste like sh**! But I do love me some bisquits and gravey!

  17. I LOVE biscuits and gravy! My all time favorite breakfast! I was raised on this.

  18. That looks so darn good!

  19. Oh man...and I thought last one was gross...I think this is disgusting! I don't like sausage at all...and gravy kind of gags me. But I would be a polite guest and eat it if you made it for me, girlfriend! LOL! (I am sure the other readings thing I am a byotch! LOL!)

  20. Oh MAN! WHY WHY do you do this to me-LOL! Gotta go fix a snack-that made me really hungry!!!

  21. My Southern roots love biscuits and gravy! And the Montana rest of me loves Western Family products... their mac and cheese is my favorite! :) What a tasty post!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!