Wednesday, March 11, 2009

(Semi) Wordles Wednesday ... What happen to the Peanut Butter

Ok sorry this one needs a little write up! The other night it got real quiet I was thinking the kids must had fallen asleep, so I go into to tuck them in and find Caden sitting on the floor with a jar of peanut butter!!! Mind you it was the brand new jar I just bought, they poked it open and was scooping it out with their fingers!! Yes Cole was hiding under the bed, turkey butt!!!

Here is what the jar looks like:


  1. That's pretty priceless!!!!!

    Thanks for coming by and saying hello!!!

  2. That is way too funny. Have a great day.

  3. Boys! lol Hey at least they picked something healthy, right? It's not like they opened a bag of Doritos and noshed their way to the bottom :) Hope you have a great day

  4. Too funny!

    My girls do that all the time and they are way old enough to know better!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. OOPS.. that was me that deleted the above comment.. I'm a dork - messed up!

    Anyhoo... that picture is hilarious! Nothing like scooping PB with the fingers... you can suck for days!

  7. OOPS!


    How cute (and only because it wasn't my kids)

  8. What is it with kids and peanut butter? Mine love the stuff! I can imagine them doing the same thing in a couple years. LOL! :-)

  9. Dangit, they didn't mean to get caught. I hope you offered them some apple slices to go with it.

  10. Didn't you know it tastes better when you eat it while being sneaky?! :)

  11. love it love it love it love it love it

  12. Wordless for most = NO WORDS

    Wordless for Alexis = A paragraph!

    My kids are totally into PNT butter right now!

  13. that is just too stinkin cute!!!! too cute!

  14. That is funny! It sounds like something my kids would do.

  15. When my niece was little she got into a jar of vasoline. I wish we had pictures of that.

  16. That is too funny! Your little guys must really love peanut butter! I love how they opened the brand new jar! LOL

  17.'s always when you least expect it, isn't it..that's too funny. Your blog has the cutest name, thanks for stopping by mine & saying howdy!

  18. How funny!
    My mouth is sticking shut just "thinking" about it.LOL
    Boys will ber boys,huh?
    My 2 girls' gave me a run fort my money...that's for sure.
    Sheesh! I miss them being that young!!!

  19. I love your peanut butter stealin' kids! That is hilarious!

  20. I have you on my list of faves now..
    Hope that's ok.

  21. Now that is too funny!
    Dropped by from SITS.

  22. Haha too bad you didn't get a shot with their hands in the *cookie* jar ;-) haha

  23. LOL! Great story. Those hilarious little monkeys! Boy, what trouble they could cause if they got together with my little Beast. And that could actually happen because we're practically neighbors! I'm in the Puget Sound too! Found you through Infertile Myrtile actually. Cute blog you've got here!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!