Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday - Ham Pizza

I know more ham but hey what can I say it's a huge hit here! So here's my attempt at another recipe. I went to a party and saw these ready made pizza crust and had the idea to make a ham pizza. It actually turned out really yummy and the boys loved it, another one that I had to grab a piece quick before it was all gone.

All you need
Roll out the pizza crust
Put the pizza sauce on the crust
Add black olives
Add the ham
I know the piece were a little on the large side.
Add the pizza blend cheese
Out of the oven!
The slice I was able to steal before it was all gone.


  1. I like ham pizza with pineapple on it too. This looks simple and tasty!

  2. Looks yummy but you know what I would say?

    See ya, Poser.

  3. Yummy. We love homemade pizza here, I just made some yesterday :) will post pictures in recipes :)

  4. Looks delicious! Love the big pieces of ham! :-)


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!