Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shelf Reliance GIVEAWAY!!!! (CLOSED)


I'm so excited about this giveaway, ok yes I was more excited I got to try out the Shelf Reliance Cansolidator ... but you get the chance to WIN one too! Since I've been doing more cooking at home I have become a can queen. It seems that more and more recipes call for a cans of corn, green beans or cream of mushroom. So when ever I see it I buy it, drives Rick NUTS because our cupboards have become a death trap. I've gotten it down to a science. I open with one hand and brace for the falling of cans. Most days I escape with maybe only a bruise or two, on bad days it maybe a hurt toe where I'm hoping around like a mad woman :).

So when I saw the Shelf Reliance Cansolidator on another blogger site I knew I just had to have one! I was so excited when I got an email saying that they would like to let me try one and oh yeah one for my readers too! See I'm always thinking about you first ... yeah I was giggling on that one too! You should have seen me the day it arrived, I had it shipped to work and I actually had to take it out and show it off. It wasn't put together so I just had to explain it. The funny thing is a lady at work had just been to the canary and saw my dream one, THE PANTRY! Yes I was drooling and would be in kitchen heaven if I ever got that one!

They even have one for pet lovers. When I we had cats before I told the kids I'm not taking care of anymore animals (that was before the fish were snuck in). We had cats and I use to have the same problem with the can food being everywhere. Yes when I shop I shop, I can't help myself if it's on sale I buy a bunch. Who cares about how you will store it ... LOL. Check out the Cansolidator Pet it would make my life so much easier back in the day.

Just to drool a little check out the THE PANTRY that I am dying to get (just see the picture below of my pantry and you'll so understand!). I am excited to say Rick liked this product so much I didn't even have to ask if I could get another one. After putting it together and rearranging my cabinets he said to me I need one more! Mind you it was 11:30pm at night and I had to ask him I heard him right, and he looked at me like the kids do. I really need to see if that third eye is there! Now some of you are going 11:30pm? Yes Rick worked late came home and saw my new Cansolidator, being the OCD king he is and hates clutter he immediately took it out of the box put it together and redid our cupboards! He made me stay up with him, ya fine for him who doesn't work until 11am, not so cool for me when I get up at 6am. But after I was done I was so excited I didn't care about the time! So check it out girls, you know you want it! Even if you don't win they are so reasonable and awesome you'll have to buy one ... heck I'm even getting one more!!!

BUY IT: Cansolidator @ Shelf Reliance Currently the Cansolidator Pantry is on sale for $37.99 it holds 40 CANS!!! And here is a coupon also!!! Use the code: Save15 for an extra 15% off!

WIN IT: Head over to Shelf Reliance and tell me another product you like of theirs (one not mentioned above). It's so easy and you might even find something you can't live with out!

Want so EXTRA Entries (Make sure to Leave SEPARATE comments for EACH):

For THREE (3) Extra Entries go to and sign up for their emails. Now don't worry you'll only get 1 a month, they are very nice and DON'T want to overload people with emails. Trust me I'm on it and have only gotten the one a month! And who doesn't want an email with deals and coupons!

For TWO (2) Extra Entries go to and grab one of their blog buttons! (Just let me know where to find it)

For ONE (1) Extra Entry be a follower. (Current followers of course count)

For TWO (2) Extra Entries have my button up.

For ONE (1) Extra Entry tell me a funny story about your cupboard or pantry!

Giveaway goes thru Sunday, May 17th 2009 @ 11:59PST.

And for fun check out my pictures of Rick rearranging my cupboard. What I said he made me stay up I didn't have to help :).

Rick setting up my new Cansolidator
He did it so quick I didn't get a pre built pic.
Up close of how to put a can in.
Can in! The 3 sides (Left) fit regular size cans.
1 side (right) fits soup cans ie Mushroom Soup
yup I told you it was a death trap!
Yes a few items fell on me!
Rick found my cupboard that I was using isn't a regular side.
So some quick rearranging and above the microwave cabinet we went.
What is left over!
I know I buy way too much stuff.
Yes that means I get one more Cansolidator!!
My rearrange cupboard above the microwave.

Now to tackle THE PANTRY
Please fairy Godmother bring me a THE PANTRY

* UPDATE!!! - 3 EXTRA ENTRIES FOR SUBSCRIBING VIA FEED BURNER. Make sure to leave 3 separate comments!!


  1. May I say I love your new template? Ok I will say it anyway..its so you! One of these days I am going to break down and get one.

    Also..I am so proud that you are doing reviews and giveaways!

    (by the way I am going to have a huge one in a little bit...I have to actually put it together but it should be up by tonight.)

    Its all your fault!


  2. I so need that! I'm going to have some giveaways coming up -- working with some companies now.

  3. Lookie Lookie Look at my girl Lexi.. she is SPONSORED now! AND fast becomming the QUEEN o' the giveaway.. is that may haps why she never seems to come my way these days? See that's how they are. You nurture them, post about their semi-legal, semi-clothed days of public desplay then they grow up and don't know you anymore.. wahhhh:-(

  4. I am in love!!!!! What an incredible little gadget!!!!!!

  5. Well, if I could just chose anything, I'd pick the ready rack five drawer. Just the thought of it makes me happy:)

  6. I signed up for their email newsletters too.

  7. the new look! Truly Fab...u...lous!.......

    And I have to say, they have some pretty cool survival kits!

  8. Hmmmm....funny story.........Well, I guess the not so funny thing about my cupboard is that I have none! We're talking cramped quarters and trust me it's been no fun to have practically no space to store food. Half of the food, like snacks and things have to be stashed in our room.........
    But, oh, some day.......some day when we have our own place.............This would be great! I'd love to fill it up with cans!

  9. If money were no problem I would buy the Expedition Extreme
    Four Person 72-hour Emergency Kit today, but that won't happen.

  10. #1 I have your button on my left sidebar.

  11. #2 I have your button on my left sidebar.

  12. I would love the ReadyRack. Oh my...too bad it would NEVER fit in my pantry right now! The Cansolidator Pantry would though!

  13. awesome review and giveaway :)

    I would love to have Ready Rack (3 Small Row, 2 Drawer) so cool!

  14. Have your button on both of my sites :)

  15. I put the shelf reliance button here

  16. I am already a subscriber/follower of your blog.

  17. The funniest story about my pantry is how sad and pitiful it is, everytime, I clean and organize it one of the other 7 people in the house flys through and wrecks it within moments.

  18. I LOVE the consolidator Pantry Plus, it looks perfect for one of my cupboards.

  19. I joined the Shelf Reliance Facebook page

  20. I like the rack. Would be great for the pantry....if I didn't have shelves! But what a wonderful idea.

  21. I love the emergency kits they have, I could use those when we have to RUN from hurricanes. Uggh! :) Thanks for the chance to win !!

  22. I am following the ends of the Earth...LOL!

  23. Funny story about my pantry...hmm, it's like Old Mother Hubbard's it is bare...hahahaha! Funny, huh? Nah, not so much.

  24. Newsletter entry #2 (thanks for letting me know to come back to do this!).

  25. Very cool! That would really help me organize!

  26. By the way I'm following you now too :)

  27. I have a friendship award for you over at my blog.

  28. I love, love, love you're new cute!

    I also love the Ready Rack 5 Drawer though I so need all of their products because I am so unorganized!

  29. Newsletter entry #3 I figured I needed to do this...thanks for the nudge :)

  30. wow... too bad i don't cook much. it's great for organization uh...

  31. love the ready shelf.

    where did you get your new layout? Toooo cute!

  32. Maybe if I leave one comment, I might get lucky, because I love this organizer! love how the hubby helped make it happen :)

  33. Ready Rack (1 Small Row, 4 Drawer) I have a small house and this would be sooo awesome!

  34. Signed up! Can you please tell me how to get hooked up on the reviewing???? Please?


  35. I love the Ready Racks there! I want one for my garage!

  36. I just signed up for their news letter!

  37. I'm already following you of course!

  38. Ok, just realized I need to comment 3 times for the news letter so this is #2!

  39. I would pick the ready shelf if I could!

    I am a follower and have your button on my blog too......cause you are the best!!

  40. I like the Providence Basic Travel
    Two Person 72-hour Emergency Kit. I am all about preparation.

  41. Okay, so now I have to figure out what the heck to do, but another comment to get in the running!

    Gotta have that organizer, or all of them ah ha! Cause I am just a selfish blog...

  42. That big food rotation system would be neat to have. They have some great products. The kits are a really good idea if you can afford them.

  43. I've been following you forever and will follow you forever. This certainly keeps things organized doesn't it.

    Love the new layout by the way.

  44. Love your new look!!

    I want the Pantry too! Wowza!

    I was surprised to see food over there! I must say I like the black beans!

  45. the Expedition Plus
    Four Person 72-hour Emergency Kit sounds like it would cover it if you had to leave house! what a great company!

  46. Hey I am back...I want an organizer, I want an organizer...*chant goes on*

  47. i love the Expedition Extreme
    Four Person 72-hour Emergency Kit

  48. I am digging the harvest, although I would need more than one. We have a root cellar we use as a store room for our foods. We could deck it out with three or four of the harvest/the pantry.

    I would love to just get the whole thrive system and not have to think about it any more.

  49. I put the button on my blog:

  50. Google keeps giving me a sorry message when I try to follow on google. But I am subscribed to your emails, which is better. Because I pretty much never look at the blogs on google. I do read my emails, though!

  51. I added your button to my blog as well.

    Did you know you could have your button centered on the blogs who post it by adding center at the front and /center at the end? Just add the <> signs around each of them.

  52. Your button on my blog entry #2

  53. I'm not sure how funny this is, but We have a root cellar in our basement and we have it set up as a little store room. We are a large family and we've lived through some extraordinary circumstances. So we're more aware than most people about how quickly life can change. Because of this we keep ourselves stocked well enough to last at least three months. Then there are great sales and special items.

    Recently the special item for us has been Pepsi Throwback. We know it is only available for a short time, it is hard to find, and we want to have a huge supply. So right now our store room is a bit overrun with it. The other day I went to go get something from the store room and I could not get the door open. 12 packs of Pepsi were holding it closed. How in the world did we manage to get the door shut and get 12 packs of Pepsi behind it? One of life's great unsolved mysteries.

    Want to come and help me straighten up my store room???

  54. I like the preparedness kits that they offer.

  55. Here is the story about my pantry. We bought a new house and as we were unpacking into the house I realized the pantry was WAY bigger than I though and my large shelfreliance organizer fit into the back of it PERFECTLY. All of my neigbors wish they had one too.

  56. Whoops I like the food ration kit things they seem kind of neat and ready to eat

    damn I rhyme

    following you

  57. I love the cansolidator that you reviewed! I have been wanting to get one of these since I am an emergency preparedness type of gal. My cupboards are a One other thing I would love to try is their Thrive freeze dried food line. It would be great to have some on hand just in case and I have been wanting to add freeze dried foods to my food storage plan for some time now.
    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  58. I follow your blog now!

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  59. signed up for their newsletter entry 1

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  60. signed up for their newsletter entry 2

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  61. signed up for their newsletter entry 3

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  62. Well, this isn't exactly funny about my cupboard but a few weeks ago I went to open my top cupboard to get some crackers and out tumbled a can of sweetened condensed milk...right onto my foot. My foot turned immediately black, I cried, then it turned to shades of blue-it is still tender to the touch but nothing broken thank goodness. No more limping either...phew. And for some reason the can split open on the side and I had four cats around me trying to get into that milk faster than I could clean it up...

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  63. I also love the Ready Rack 2 Small Row, 1 Medium Row, 2 Drawer! I could really use this! You should see my cupboards!

    Thank you so much Alexis!


    heartnmaui at gmail dot com

  64. I signed up for their newsletter! YAY! Entry #1


  65. I signed up for their newsletter! YAY! Entry #2


  66. I signed up for their newsletter! YAY! Entry #3


  67. I'm taking your button now!


  68. I like the Free Standing Systems / The Harvest Single Drawer Kit.

  69. I subscribe to their newsletter.# 1

  70. I subscribe to their newsletter.# 2

  71. I subscribe to their newsletter.# 3

  72. Their 72" Pantry shelf is a dream! I can only imagine how many more sales I could stock up on if I had that.

    Thanks for this giveaway.

  73. I signed up for Shelf Reliance's newsletter.

  74. I signed up for their newsletter. -2nd entry

  75. I signed up for their newsletter. - 3rd comment

  76. My funny story: I have a little guy just learning to walk and he loves to take the canned goods out of the cabinets and distribute them all over the house
