Friday, May 8, 2009

Stuck on You Review

Another amazing product I'm so excited to share you with you all! Stuck on You (USA) was so nice to send me 2 of their Helicopter Room Art.

Just check out Cole's face I've never seen him get so excited over an item he doesn't get to play with. I actually didn't even get to take my shoes off when we walked in the door. We had to go right to their room and put the Room Art up.

Being the mom I of course was a little worried about putting things on the wall. Well I was more worried about what Rick would say. It took me until last year for him to paint Cole's room, that was even only the bottom of the room. Yes the rest of my house is white walls, we have to have a committee just to hang a picture up! So when we pealed off the first helicopter and put it on the wall. Of course Cole didn't like the place I put it so we had to move it. I almost cringed thinking of my gosh I need to take it off the wall? I was so impressed how easy the Room Art was to move and it stuck again and didn't have the spot that wouldn't stick again. Yup it was amazing!

Ok now a funny story, I didn't tell Rick what we got so when he got home and went into the boys room he almost had a cow. Quickly I told him no they are removable Room Art and won't take off the wall I promise!!! Well later that night I went to go check on Cole and he had actually moved them off the wall and put them on his headboard. When I asked him he told me he didn't want daddy to be upset ... LOL.

You must check out Stuck on You (USA) and check out their amazing line. You'll love it all from the Room Art to the clothing labels and my favorite Kitchen Labels :).

Cole and his new Helicopter Room Art
Cole helping me put the Room Art up
Cole Side of the Room
The Boys showing off Cole's Side
Caden's side above the crib
And 2 for the door too!
Caden kept pointing at it all night long
Momma Look
Yup what I was told all night long ... LOL
Where Cole moved it to ...


  1. That looks so cool! I'm going to have to check the site and see if they have any trucks............

  2. oh wow those are cute...I am going to look to see what they have for girls. that was so sweet of cole. although i have to ask why is your husband not liking anything but white?

  3. Those are too cute! Too bad Bub sleeps in my room or I could decorate his in all that kind of stuff he will truly have it no other way...we've tried and failed so many times that I've just given up and realized that he'll be half way to college before he sleeps by himself!

  4. Oh wow... so they are removable? I gotta check this out!

  5. This is so neat. It does not take the paint off of anything? Be sure to stop by for my Round Robin today. You could so share this.

  6. those are so cool! happy wkend and mothers day!

  7. Oh how cute, and fun that they are excited! Although do I detect a faint smile-unhappy look in one of those photos? :)

  8. Now this I like. I'm gonna have to see if they have Nascar for my son. Have a Happy Mother's Day my friend.

  9. Those are so cute. What a nice idea, it makes decorating easy.

  10. I love it :) and I know my daughter would too, we have fairies all over her bedroom walls but I would like if they were larger :)cool review!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!