Saturday, May 23, 2009

Toy Wrangler Giveaway (3 Winners) ~ CLOSED

Have you ever been driving down the road and all of a sudden you see out of the corner of your eye a flying object, just in time to duct (maybe even swerve a little). What this stuff only happens to me???? Ok how about going out to dinner (ok yes I giggled on that statement too, but when I had only 1 my parents took pity on me often and took me out) when you spent more time picking up the bottle or sippy cup then actually having a real conversation with the people you there with? Even though it was probably good exercise and you got a wonderful view of all the gum under the table it really wasn't your idea of fun.

Well I'm very excited to tell you about the coolest item I've found in a long time. The Toy Wrangler™ by LuvLoo solve your problem, well not all your problems but the bending over for toys and bottles at least. Heck it's a step in the right direction, I say anything that helps a mom out is top on my list. And for you non mommies that come by this makes an AMAZING baby shower gift. I'm tell you if you bring the Toy Wrangler™ as your gift it will be all that the ladies will be talking about.

Not only can you attach bottles and sippy cups, but you can attach binks and toys! We never did the binks but my girlfriend did and man oh man when that thing was missing we all ended up on our hands and knees looking for it (yes I know that was one heck of a mental picture, my rear up in the air ... but move past it fast).

One of my favorite parts of this is it was made by a mom. I love promoting and talking about products that awesome moms and dads come up with after much frustration it's nice to have this people around. You know the ones that didn't loose half their brain with pregnancy, yes mine is gone and I depend on these amazing people to keep me sane!

So check Kristy and her wonderful model Abby showing off the Toy Wrangler™ @ the Home of the ToyWrangler™. Now for the fun part 3 lucky readers will win a Toy Wrangler™ of their own!

1st Place will get Toy Wrangler™ that has 3 Toy & Bottle Bungees. Just think of all the things that can hang on there!!!!

2nd & 3rd Place will get mini Toy Wrangler™ that has 2 separate bungees that easy attach anywhere.

To Enter it's easy I promise! Go to Toy Wrangler™ and tell me something that you learned, really it's that simple!

Want EXTRA Entries!! Do one do them all, just remember to leave separate comments please.

  • Followers get ONE (1) Extra Entry
  • Have the Button up get TWO (2) Extra Entries
  • Subscribe via email (top left side) get TWO (2) Extra Entries
  • Tell me a funny story about retrieve cups, bottles and/or toys get ONE (1) Extra Entry
  • Blog about this THREE (3) Extra Entries

Thanks so much for stopping by and entering I really appreciate you all! Send me and email if you have any questions!


  1. I guess I learned that this is a great idea I wish I would have come up with! What a great way to keep from going to the bathroom when your out to eat a million times to wash off the sippy that has hit the floor!

  2. I learned that you can take a toy wranger to the restaurant with you!

  3. I love that you can attach it to your stroller or whatever;right in baby's reach!

  4. funny story about cups... my family all went out to chili's when my son had just turned one or so and we thought we would let him try out a straw...he got the water alright but he pretty much threw himself and the highchair back! (we caught him before he really fell but it was so cute to see his eyes get all big right before)

  5. Well I've learned that I needed this and didn't have it LOL awesome product and post :)

  6. Those are the cutest little thing -- didn't have that when my little one was a baby. TFS

  7. I follow you.

    First Comment 1 poser.

  8. This would be great for the car so I do not have to try and grab it when the cups fall.

  9. This one time when I was driving in the car I felt something brush my arm. It was a book that had come flying by me. It scared me. I thought it was her.

  10. You told me to come back because I needed to add one more entry so here I am.

  11. I learned where the luvloo name came from........too cute about saying love you!

  12. Funny story........hmmmm.......all I can think of is the many, many time driving with a little stinker in the back seat dropping things that are hard to reach while still keeping a hand on the wheel! Red lights are so good sometimes!

  13. I read the elastic cuff is perfect for larger bottles & cups.

    courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

  14. #2 Subscriber!
    courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

  15. Back for my extra entry for following your cute butt!

  16. I learned it was made by a mom and that the plastic rings are tested as a food grade plastic.

    newsaroundtheblogs at live dot com

  17. Funny not so funny story:

    On Vacation to Multnomah Falls while on the bridge in front of the waterfall, my little cousin see some people throwing ashes over the bridge. Little cousin thinks it's a great idea to throw her sippy cup over as well!! Could have used the toy wrangler!

  18. blogged #1

  19. blogged #2

  20. blogged #3

  21. They were featured in parenting magazine in November of 2007.

  22. One church building we attended had a sloped floor, being higher at the back. Having children, that is where we always sat. Someone's sippy almost ALWAYS rolled to the front of the room before the meeting was over every Sunday!

  23. I learned that 'LuvLoo' is what her little boy would say for 'Love You'.
    How cute!

    MandaAJ2 at yahoo dot com

  24. I subscribed through feedburner.

  25. I also learned that they have a line of adorable tshirts and onesies! I especially love the B- Bunny. Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. Just the other day, we were out at a restaurant (that I hadn't been to before and therefore didn't realize how low the tables were) and when my daughter threw her cup, I went to get it and SLAMMED my head on the way up. Like, it rattled the whole table. Yep. I could definitely use one of these! Thanks!

  27. I blogged:

    Entry #1

  28. I blogged:

    Entry #2

  29. I blogged:

    Entry #3

  30. toy wrangler is interchangeable...that's cool....

  31. toy wrangler solves the throwing here and there drama...

  32. button #1 at

  33. button #2 at

  34. blog #1 at

  35. blog#2 at

  36. blog#3 at

  37. What a great product.! And I love that a mommy had an idea and went with it.

  38. I learned that you can put this on a shopping cart! Great idea!! Plus it would keep their little hands/mouths just a little bit cleaner while touching/sucking/biting the shopping cart handle!

  39. I don't have a funny story, it's more sad! We were at costco and Dean had his awesome soft spiderman doll when we got to the next store we realized he didn't have it so we quickly drove back to Costco to get it. It's the only cute boy doll we had! I hurried into the store and the customer service people said that they didn't have it in the lost and found. So I thought, well it's got to be around here on one of these aisles. WE NEVER FOUND IT!!!!! Sad :(

  40. You can use these for passies!?! I want it. I need it. I must have it!

  41. I learned LuvLoo means Love You!! Cool

  42. Button #2

  43. created out of a moms necessity

  44. button on my blog

  45. I have a niece who has 2 older brothers she is as tough as they are. Her brothers are 3 and 4 years old, she is 1 and they are hoots. I love it because if they are bothering her she uses her toys, bottle etc... as weapons to get even
