Saturday, May 30, 2009

You Can Make This Giveaway!! (2 Winners)

I love being crafty and making things for the kids that they will hold on to for a lifetime (even if that means I have to take it away and vacuum seal it ... what you were thinking the same thing). I've seen You Can Make This on several blogs and I so wanted to try some things out. The only problem I haven't sewn since High School Home Ec (yes ... uh hum ... 15 years). But I just new this crafty inner person could sew, so when they said I could do a giveaway I was jumping for joy. Really I was so excited, I ran out and bought material and made a date with my friend who is a sewing machine herself. Yes I'm a big enough person to know I need help :).

After gathering up what I thought I would need I headed out to my friend Rachael's house (yes after another run to the fabric store to pick up more fabric wanted to be ready). Thankfully Rachael was smarter than me and actually read the directions, I know what a concept! Found out we needed more than the fabric and stuffing I brought with me. Who would have thunk you actually need thread, fusible webbing, stabilizer etc you know ALL the stuff that You Can Make This listed in the very nice PDF copy they send me for the Name Pillows. I never claimed to be an excellent sewer just one that has done it before. LOL ... that is what good friends are for.

After a trip to the fabric store to pick up those key elements and oh yeah seeing a man dressed as Batman you have to check out my post on Wednesday with all the crazy loops that is just my life that caused this project to go from easy to a fun experience. REALLY this can be a fun and easy project just don't have my luck :). Over all even with all the stops I had a lot of fun and got at least one Name Pillow done. My girlfriend on the other hand I believe is up to 4 Name Pillows being done, I told you she is a sewer and can rock out anything. By the time I left she had the makings of two completed to my one :).

Really for even the new to sewing once you get the hang of this it actually goes rather fast, again if you don't have my luck. Let me give you a little run down just to make you laugh, it's what I do :).

Things to do when completing this project. Do bring your list to the fabric store, yes I went two times by myself with out it and missed some things you really need. Yes I was like all I really need is fabric and stuffing ... LOL. Do not decided to take your sewing machine that was in the garage, mind you still in the box since you've never opened it in 10 YEARS and think it will work perfect for you. I suggest you have a working machine, it does make life easier! After you have all your fabric (and all that other stuff) do be careful when cutting with sharp tools. Another good reason to have a friend that is a sewer she has all the tools and she can politely over and over tell you to cut away from yourself and watch YOUR fingers! Do not again use a machine that will be a pain, as you an see from my pictures most of my day was spent holding the screws while Rachael took it apart trying to one figure out why my machine was only going backwards and oh yeah what is that ca chunk noise? If you're not a pro, buy a little extra fabric for those not cutting straight times, who knew my 5 year old could probably cut better than me? So after hours of trying to fix my machine I ended up giving up putting it in the box and using Rachael, again who would have thunk having a nice machine could really speed up the process. I'm happy to report when I go back over to Rachael house on Sunday to my 2nd Name Pillow from You Can Make This I will be using her machine and having no problems at all! Yup that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Really over all minus just my life this was a VERY fun project that wasn't too terribly hard even for this non sewer. I was very impressed with how my pillow turned out, Even the stitching around Cole's name didn't look that bad (might also be the variegated thread I used, yup another good tip). This is a FUN days craft project (again if you don't have my luck) that you could do even with your older kids. I plan on making at least 2 more (oh yeah plus Caden's) for the boys and one for my mom for her birthday. Really it was that fun and addicting once you see the end product (that and when I went to the fabric store I bought almost a yard of everything even though I was suppose to only have like a 1/2 yard for all ... yup a learning experience) :).

Here was the only two things my sewer friend had to say that might need a little tweaking:

  • To be on the extra side - Buy a minimum of 1/2 yard for the background fabric.

  • When using fusible webbing make sure to put it on the BACK SIDE of the fabric

For Beginner or first time users:

  • Head over to someones house that has the tools
  • Watch fingers that stuff is sharp!
  • Just have fun

Trust me even if you don't win you're going to have to head over to You Can Make This and pick up this pattern. It comes in an easy to down load pdf form, you'll have so much fun believe me everyone will have Name Pillows for Christmas!

BUY IT: You can buy the pattern for the Name Pillows at You Can Make This for $6.95 I know how reasonable is that! Especially when you think all the gifts you can make. Me personally LOVE homemade thoughtful gifts. I'm one of those people that take months to think up the perfect gift for someone. The Name Pillows have made my life easier since I now know what gift several of my family members will be getting this year!

WIN IT: You Can Make This has very generously offered 2 of my readers the pattern for the Name Pillows! Yeah I love when we can have more then one winner!

Mandatory 1st Entry: Head over to You Can Make This and tell me another pattern they have that you would like to try. Yup that easy! (Make sure you have a public email on blogger, if not please leave me one in the comment so I can contact you if you win)

Extra Entries! (Do one or do them all, just make sure to leave comments for each one)

  1. ONE (1) Extra Entry be a follower
  2. TWO (2) Extra Entries have my button up (code on left side)
  3. THREE (3) Extra Entries for subscribing by email (on left side, super easy you don't want to miss anything do you?)
  4. THREE (3) Extra Entries head over to You Can Make This and sign up for their newsletter ~ Look you even something for free if you do.
  5. TWO (2) Extra Entries head over to Rachael and leave a comment, Plus you can see the 4 Name Pillows she has done. Hers are a lot fancier then mine, I'm working my way up to it. She even did a flower on one!
  6. TWO (2) Extra Entries for Blogging about this :) Leave me the link please to the post.
  7. ONE (1) Extra Entry for telling me your funny sewing story or craft story, you know you have one.

Thank you again to You Can Make This this was a VERY fun review, I can't wait to do more projects. Thanks to you I now have a standing date on Sundays to do craft projects. Finally a day for mom! That itself is priceless!

Giveaway Ends 6/14/09 @ 11:59pm PST


  1. I just won one from Missy! I can't wait to make the kids. Yours turned out great! I hope mine does because I am not a sewer. TFS

  2. I have it so don't enter me LOL but I wanted to tell you that pillow is so adorable :)

  3. I love the material with the monkey on it. I would not make this but it is way cute. I do not sew or have a way to make it. Good luck getting me to do this. I do love the idea though.

  4. Hey girlie! Glad you had fun...I only warned you about the cutting and the sharpness because I ended up in the ER minus part of my finger...didn't want you to learn the hard way too...
    These really were fun fast projects (minus the sewing machine surger of course).
    I would certainly pay the 6ish bucks for the project pattern...think I'll head over to their site to see what else is available.

  5. Those are SO cute! I think I might be able to do it with my mom's help, so I'll enter :-)

    Another project that looks like it is cute is the Tie for your little Guy!

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  6. I'm a follower! :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  7. I visited Rachael (and commented). I would take that Morgan pillow in the place of the pattern! LOL! :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  8. I just added your button! I can't believe that I didn't have it already! :-)

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  9. So cute I really liked the Emma swing top dress. I may have to order that myself.

  10. Those are cute. And if you read my post earlier this week about my Brownie flower sewing experience...well, that pretty much sums up my best sewing story!

  11. blogged 1

  12. Blogged 2

  13. Left comment on Rachaels blog post:

  14. Left comment on Rachaels blog post #2:

  15. The pillows are great!
    I'm liking those felt toys too.....
    and make sure to stop by In the Tiger Den......your number is up!

  16. I would love to try the she loves me, she loves me knot handbag!

  17. I subscribe to you by email (three)

  18. I subscribe to their newsletter (one)

    (We would like to thank you for being a valued member of our newsletter list. We appreciate your support and feedback so that we can continue to make the place to find quality eBook pattern and instructions. )

  19. I subscribe to their newsletter (two)

  20. I subscribe to their newsletter (three)

  21. The names on Rachels pillows are Eve, Morgan, Jacob and Abigail.

  22. Here is my funny sewing story. For my FIRST sewing adveture I decided that it would be a good idea to make crib bedding for my sister. (Now that may not be too funny to you, but if you knew me you would be laughing histarically - I promise)

  23. I'd also like to make the Mary Jane Shoe with T-Strap - Sizes 0-14mths

  24. I'm your humble follower ya know...and have you seen the little cap? It's darling! My nephew would LOVE it!

  25. I signed up for the You Can Make This newsletter. #1

  26. I signed up for the You Can Make This newsletter. #2

  27. I signed up for the You Can Make This newsletter. #3

  28. I left a comment at Rachael's blog under the Adventure Day. # 1

  29. I left a comment at Rachael's blog under the Adventure Day. # 2

  30. The only funny story is when I was in middle school and I wanted to make a clown costume for Halloween but had no idea how to do it. I made it and was so proud of myself until I realized that one half of the material that was another color was on the wrong side. It wasn't as noticeable, because it was a clown suit, after all. I haven't attempted sewing since.
