Thursday, June 25, 2009

Clothing Snob Reformed!

Ok I admit it I've been a clothing snob for sometime now. Ok to get to the bottom of this we must go to the beginning of the story. Growing up with a single dad we shopped thrift stores often, then he married mom (the only mom I would ever consider mom) and she didn't shop at thrift stores. I don't think she entered them, oh wait she donated to them often she's really good a purging her closet. So up until recently I've had this weird thing about wearing something someone else has worn. I know I'm a freak, you're just now figuring this out?

Well with the economy in the crapper (LOL sorry feeling a little saucy today) and me trying to keep all the money I can. I've turned to saving different ways to save money. Now I started out slow, but I found the best plus size (because I'm fluffy) consignment shop. And get this a lot the items in there still have tags on! So yes I actually have bought a few items. But don't get me wrong I'm still crazy when I shop there, so you see they have this awesome system. The item comes in at one price, after so many days it drops down by like $3 to $5, then it has a bottom price after so many more days. So I've become a new type of stalker (sorry blogger friends) yup I stalk clothing. I go there find the ones I like and then find the date they drop down a level and I then I return. I've had great luck at the items still being there! So yeah, good deals and lots of items that have tags or look brand new!

So Monday I hit the mother load hit up my favorite new little shop, I picked up two shirts I've had my eye on (one with tag still on $34.99), pair of Bermuda shorts (yup tags still $29.99) and a pair of jeans (yup again tags! $39.99). Now get this all for $44! I know I was super excited! So excited I stopped by Value Village and donated a bag of clothes. Guess what I got 20% off coupon, so of course I head in looking for some glass jars for my new spice jar collection. Of course don't find them but I found some amazing clothes for the boys! Get this 2 shorts (one Levis), one pair of overalls (Oshkosh), Carter PJ's, two shirts and a Childrens Place Vest. Now the best part with my 20% off I got it all for $12! I was having a kicking butt day!

Made up for my birthday where my parents forgot to wish me happy birthday! LOL they called me the day after and I did get some really nice gifts :). Check them out a super cute purse with matching shoes, My Sisters Keeper book and a camera case with batteries (camera missing). I've been told the camera is coming? LOL let's hope it's not like the swing set ... LOL.

So there it is a reformed shopper ... LOL! Fun weekend even stopped by a Passion party nope didn't buy anything but had fun hanging with the girls! Ohhh yeah I even made Rick breakfast in bed, yummy Orange flavored french toast. I know when is my day ... Yup still waiting for that!

Phew I'm tired now, come back tomorrow for another fun giveaway for our Fun In The Sun giveaways! Muah, Lex :)


  1. Good for you! Sometimes you can find some really great stuff at discount shops like Value Village and what not.

  2. That is so cool!........Love that......that pricing sounds a lot like what they do at Filene's Basement.......

  3. im so excited for you deals and steals you got... but much like you i'm very weird about already worn clothing... but- if i could just find some with the tags still on.... fabulous finds dear!

  4. Great deals on clothing - it's never easy to find fluffy-sized clothes that are cute and a good price!

  5. Great job. I do most of my shopping online and I do wait for the super low prices. I have to admit I am tired of my fluff!!!

  6. Nice finds :) the "fluff" LMAO that's the best ever :) you are so cute!

  7. You go girl!! Way to Shop!
    Love the shoes. We have a new consignment store here but I just drive by trying to peer in the window. I don't dare enter w/ 3 little ones. Will I ever get out alone???

  8. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! lol I have to go check out some thrift-shops now...

  9. Great deals! Im loving kids resale shops right now, but Im going slow. I will buy stuff that still has the tags on, Im working on it, lol!
    I just picked up My Sisters Keeper at a garage sale last weekend for a quarter! Just started reading it today!

  10. I want the recipe for Orange french toast!! =)
    Have some friends who ONLY shop thrift stores and get the cutest stuff!! I need to tag along one day and learn the tricks. =)

  11. I totally understand your not wanting to do the whole thrift store thing. I can't do it either. Glad you found your great buys at your new store!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!