Friday, July 17, 2009

Random Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness, so few of us experience these and I wish I could give more then I do. When I was younger and had extra money I would love taking friends out for dinner or help out with a single mom friend with a night off. The older I got the less I’ve been able to do, but still try to do what I can. If it’s just a call, a hug, a simple post. I’ve always been very lucky to be on the other end, it seems just when you need that helping hand it comes along. Be a person giving you the needed hug, a little extra food or clothes anything that just helps out! I feel truly blessed to be the giver and the receiver. Lately we see less and less of these random acts and when I had two happen to me I just had to share. One happened a while back that I shared before but thought it was perfect to bring up again since I have seen people doing this more and more.

A while back while grocery shopping, kids being crazy, I ran into a person shopping (cross between a male & female). I have no qualms so I said hello how is your day etc. We ran into each other a few more times while in the store. That month money was tight so I was only picking up the necessities about $10 of stuff. This person happened to come up behind me in the line. While wrestling with the boys I looked up to pay and found that they had told the checker they would cover it. I was so touched that my kindness to say hello could bring them to help me out. Hopefully I touched their life that day also.

This weekend I decided that I would clean out some closets; usually I sell the clothes at the consignment shop but wanted to give back. So I bagged them up and took them to Value Village. Now this may not seem like the biggest random act, but when you think of the economy more and more are shopping at thrift stores. Just think what you don’t use may help someone else. Heck most of these places even give you a 20% coupon to use if you donate, bonus you get a tax right off also! So you help people afford clothes/items plus if you buy you can also get affordable items with an extra discount. Yes I went inside after donating and picked up quite a few shorts for Caden, heck if you look real hard you’ll find some amazing name brand items that have been barely warn. Look I got all this for $36 (that includes 2 pants for me, 2 toys, 1 book and several boys clothes). The most I spent was $6.99 each for my pants that were name brand and new!

The last one I leave you with is one that happened yesterday that was such a small thing but got me on this whole thought process. After picking up the boys I was driving home, it was super HOT so I had the windows down (yes I’m cheap and don’t use AC). Caden fell asleep in his seat. When we pulled up to a stop light, a car came up with their music bumping very loud. He stopped next to me; I smiled like I always do. He smiled back and looked in the back and saw Caden asleep. He immediately turned his radio off, and smiled at me and said don’t want to wake the little one. I was truly touched but this simple thing that meant so much to me! When the light turned he waited until he could get in front of me to turn his radio back on! I was blown away that this gentleman would do that. That is what I call the best Random Act of Kindness!

I hope you all experience these amazing acts either as the person giving or receiving. We all need a little pick me up and it’s amazing what a small thing can do for another person. Enjoy and remember a smile can always cheer up someone’s day.


  1. Thanks for stopping by Nut in a Nutshell and commenting on my Thrifty Girl post! About your shopping trip - random acts of kindness are so great. I wish more people would perform them - it'd make the world brighter. :-)

  2. Awww.... your post gave me goosebumps! I love it! I truly truly try to do small acts every day for someone else, not only does it help them, but it makes you feel so good! It is what it is ALL about! Love! That is what we are meant to be learning down here on earth.
    Good Work chicky:) You make me proud!

  3. this is such a wonderful post lex... i love this!!

    and that last little bit... for some reason it made my eyes tear up!

    have a wonderful wkend!!

  4. That is a great post. I do try to help all the time. How wonderful for that guy to turn the radio down. What a simple act of kindness. Glad you were able to get such great deals. Sounds like your a very smart shopper.

  5. Love all of these stories...

    it can be the smallest things that strike people as kind.. & that's why it should happen more often - its not asking ALOT from us!

  6. Thanks.
    Random act... My cute bloggy friend reminded me to be grateful and to give when I can.

  7. Two post in one day. I think you are sweet and kind person. I am glad I know I have you as a friend. Thanks.... For all you do...

  8. Great post!! I ♥ random acts of kindness. Shows there is still a lot of good in the world.

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. What a wonderful post! You are such a blessing!

  10. enjoyed this post... i think we all feel better when we commit an act of kindness... alos, what goes around always comes around!

  11. You're awesome girlie :) hope you're having a wonderful weekend :)

  12. Here by way of Just Breathe. I love your blog title - how charming!!

  13. How nice that person was to pay for your groceries. And to turn the radio down. But, I think it all comes back to you. You are a happy, positive person so people treat you like that. See - you even notice when others are kind and write about it:)

  14. Man.. I need to clean out some closets!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!