Friday, July 3, 2009

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday - Beef Cottage Cheese Pie

Well it's not really Tuesday but I just had to put up another one :). Missed all my friends, hope some yummy recipes bring back some of my loyal commentor. Promise no more week long giveaways, come back to me ... LOL :) Enjoy!!!

I know you're looking at the title and thinking has Alexis lost her mind. Well I did a long time ago and you faithful readers now that and I'm shocked you would even ask ... LOL. But really this was a delish dish that the boys ate up, even Rick ate it with out complaints. That also might be because I switched to beef from ham ... LOL. But really you must try this recipe it's very yummy! I of course used extra meat, since the boys love meat!

What I used:
Heated up the meat I browned earlier in the week.
I find I buy it in bulk then brown it up to make it easy during the week.
I added a little Garlic Pepper
Instead of just pepper

Added onions to brown up!
Add ketchup
Add Flour
Mix up eggs
Add cottage cheese
I mixed it all up, instead of just putting on top.
Add the meat to the premade pie crust
Pour Eggs & Cottage cheese
Yummy out of the oven

I found this recipe on and just love it, it may sound a little strange to you but really it was super yummy!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 35 minutes

1 9" unbaked pie crust
1 onion, chopped
1 lb. ground beef
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 Tbsp. flour
3 Tbsp. ketchup
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup cottage cheese

Brown together onion and ground beef in a heavy skillet. Drain any excess fat. Add pepper, ketchup and flour to skillet and cook and stir for 3 minutes. Turn this meat mixture into the pie crust lined pan.

Beat eggs and add cottage cheese. Pour this mixture over meat in the pie pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes, or until filling is set, crust is golden, and topping is puffed.

6-8 servings


  1. That looks so cool and yummy as always. I think I'll make it for tomorrow, now just to go and get that pie crust since I don't feel like making it LOL
    Thanks for the ideas always awesome recipes at your place :)

  2. What a great idea! Sounds yummy. have great holiday weekend :)

  3. It looks very good. I'm just not into cooking these days but I'll be over the next time you make it!

  4. Beef, and then blah! If my mom had only been as smart as you to hide the cottage cheese in the beef pies :O) Maybe I should try it again, since I preach retry old flavors...I might like it? Hmmm you are a smart women...have a Happy Fourth!!!

  5. Another yummy one!!!

    Thank you for the button add!!

  6. Happy Fourth. I guess you party made all of your regular post drop away. Too funny. Did you grab my cute butterfly award. I want you to have it.

  7. i really just need to come to your blog one day and copy all these recipes down...

    I see you are doing really well trying to cook more for your family. Me..notsomuch:( I need inspiratioN!

    Honestly...I will come back tomorrow and make my grocery list off of some of these recipes...goshdarnit.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!