Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Win Jewelry @ LuShae Jewelry

Promise Rings

Check out Jewelry by LuShae for a chance to win $200 gift certificate! All you have to do is grab one of their buttons like the one above put it up on your site then go back enter your name and blog so they can find it and your done! Did I mention you can enter as many times as you like? So check it out you receive unlimited entries which enter you into their MONTHLY entry! Go check it out! How hard is it to put up a button, hello I have so many of my favorite peeps!
I think this one maybe my favorite of all time, what do you think?

Promise Rings

1 comment:

  1. Okay it's late and I'm tired but I can't find where to say I put the button on my blog besides here!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!