Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ahhh Moments and Ahhh Crap Moment

Well let's start with the ahhh crap moment. Monday I hear Rick calling me into the boys room with one request. "Bring your Camera" ... oh how he knows me :) Little Caden decided that the carpet in his room needed some lotion. Yup it was dry and needed a little moisture :) ... LOL.
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As for the Ahh Moments! This weekend Cole informed me he was on Daddy's team and not on mine anymore. Yup sad want to cry moment, he likes daddy better! So I was so sad and he drew me a picture of me. Not sure if I need to take offense to my large lumpy body or if I should take it as a hint ... LOL. The other was little Caden eating a burrito he also wanted to be by dad and pulled up the Thomas chair to be by dad (dad works a lot so the boys don't see him often) I let the no eating in the living room rule! Other is yeah my garden is finally giving me stuff! Today I grabbed 3 eggplants, 1 zucchini and 2 types of peppers! I used the peppers tonight in our dinner and they were so yummy! I'm so excited I was able to use things I've grown! And yeah Rick had a early day and was home by 7pm!!! Usually he's not home until 11p so it was super exciting for the boys! Caden even curled up and feel asleep on daddy!

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  1. Yay for home grown veggies! That's awesome. :) I'm missed reading all your posts this summer Alexis! I gotta go catch up now!

  2. I think that carpet looks so supple and smooth now!


    Sending my best from Seattle.

  3. Dry carpet...we get that too...

    As for's a phase, boys will always be on Mom's team, in their hearts...

    Lucky you and the cucumber plant died, after giving me somewhere around 20 cucumbers...I'm sad! And I'm still waiting for the tomato plant to give me juicy red tomatoes. I've had about 50 cherry tomatoes, but not big one's yet!

  4. I love that he told you first thing to bring your camera! :)

  5. Yay on the veggies! I love homegrown food!
    When my kids were younger and we lived in Portland we tore all the carpet out of our house.........LOL

  6. I'm impressed your son can tell when something needs some lotion...

    Kudos on the homegrown veggies. Isn't it the best...Although, I have far too many zucchini at the moment and am thinking it will be making its ways into breads and every meal for the next week...

  7. Awww, girl if you ever quite blogging I am going to hunt you down and add you to my cabinet as one of my magical ingredients!

    The love in that house is so real!

    I came home once to find that my children decided the hallway needed redecorating...lots of nice pictures and rather large handwriting of their names...we needed to repaint the house anyway, LOL!

  8. LOL our carpet could use some lotion too LOL love the Ahh Moments! Kiddos always have cute pictures of us LOL

  9. Love the lotion! Did it clean up easy? Sorry your not in the club with the guys, that's sad. Love the produce! I want a garden.

  10. That is a sweet. Post. All carpets need lotion right. I think it is sweet that your boys love their daddy. I know it may hurt because mine sometimes just wants daddy but in the end I do get the hugs and kisses and she is back with me. Have a great weekend.

  11. Ohhh I love the *ehem* portrait of you!!! Very abstract...very nice! ;) cute post!

  12. Ahhhh... that is one thing I love about blogging. At least moments like the lotion on the rug are good for something!

  13. Yeah, dad is the cool one around here too! It's ok... They still want me to hold them when they're hurt and usually want me to put them to bed. It's give and take. =)
    Well the carpet should be good for a while now,huh?!! LOL!

  14. Moisturize, moisturize moisturize! :)

    How sweet that they love Daddy so much.

  15. Sorry about the lotion mess - hope it came up easily... Great that daddy knew you'd want your camera!
    Don't worry about "Daddy's Team", they'll be back as soon as girls come around (unfortunately so will the lotion - eeww, sorry, I said that!).
    I'd be more upset about the mean face on the picture than the shape.
    Love those veggies, wish we could grown that stuff down here in Florida, we have too much sun and then drought, then rain, no good weather for gardens.
    Have a great weekend... :-)

  16. So nice that he helped you moisturize the carpet! he help clean it up too?
    All about Daddy, eh? Hmmmm....let's see what happens when one of them gets a boo boo............
    That's a lovely bunch of veggies!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!