Monday, August 17, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Cheddar Bacon Broccoli Quiche

Make Something Monday

I know I'm crazy with these quiche's lately but I just love them. Thank you Kristie you got me hooked ... LOL. I think the boys may be a little over it, but I'm not and I'm the mommy ... LOL.

For my non bacon lovers (AMY) yes you can use turkey bacon ... LOL

What you need
Add Broccoli and Onions to Pie Crust
Add some baccon
In bowl add eggs
Helper shows up to add milk
Add salt
Add Ceyenne Pepper
Yes he's holding on to his DS (like someone may steal it)
Add egg mixture to pie
Isn't that just yummy looking!
Cheddar Bacon Broccoli Quiche

1 (9 inch) pie crusts, for single 9-inch one-crust pie
1/2 lb bacon, fried crisp and crumbled (about 12 slices)
1/2 cup broccoli (fresh or frozen, finely chopped)
1 cup cheddar cheese, grated (I like Sharp)
1/3 cup onion, minced
4 eggs
2 cups heavy cream
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Heat oven to 425°.
Prepare pastry for one-crust pie (if using mix or homemade crust recipe) and bake as directed in 9" pie plate or quiche pan.
Layer bacon, onion, broccoli and cheese evenly over bottom of pie crust.
Mix together remaining ingredients.
Beat well to really mix the eggs using a whisk or blend in the blender at low speed.
Pour over other ingredients in pie crust shell.
Bake for 15 minutes.
Reduce the heat to 300°.
Bake quiche 30 minutes longer or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.
Let pie stand for 10 minutes to cool before cutting.


  1. oh! i've had something like this before and i know i would love this... looks fantastic!

  2. looks GOOD!!! you could use this for the blog hop starting tonight also. :)

    Who designed your blog?

  3. oohh that looks yummy...but just started new healthy eating plan, so the heavy cream is out...gonna have to try it without...

  4. That really does look good and I like how he got involved!

  5. Yummy :) I love this! :) love your little helper, too cute!

  6. Yummy :) I love this! :) love your little helper, too cute!

  7. Yummy! And "non-bacon lovers"? What is that? Surely no such thing exists.

  8. Yes, Kristen I am a non-bacon lover. I like turkey bacon. Thanks for the shout out. I was ready to come over and say something but I see you said, my name and they I could use turkey. Thanks again.... You are the best poser...

  9. yum yum! your amazing! I need to start making time for dinner :)

  10. I love all those ingredients especially bacon and broccoli! It looks yummy!!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!