Friday, August 7, 2009

Round Robin ~ 10 Things I Hated In High School

A while back I saw this meme on Firefly Shop 10 Things I Hated In High School so I thought this would be the perfect time to put it up ;).

  1. Being so obsessed with my weight that I didn't go or participate in some things. Now I would kill to be that size. The irony huh?

  2. Cliches I never got this I was friends with everyone.

  3. That the Senior Project started with my year. Nothing like being a Guinea Pig for the others.

  4. Closed Campus also started my Senior year.

  5. I agree ... Gym that just sucked! Really what about running a mile each week have to do with my adult life. Yup really it should but I'm pretending it shouldn't.

  6. Square Dancing as part of gym requirement? Really? And having to be stuck with the guy no one wanted to touch!

  7. Never remembering my locker combo.

  8. Not paying attention in writing class, hello I could really use the help now with my blog and upcoming .... Joking I only wish.

  9. The Mean Girls and Guys. Really what was the point?

  10. And my least favorite has to go to Prom. My lovely date (yes he asked me) got drunk the weekend before crashed his car and totalled it. I not owning a car. So we hitched a ride with a girl that I worked with (McD's) in her limo. We got to dinner guess what, he forgot his wallet! So I pay for dinner, pictures everything! Then since I'm broke I don't have money for a cab anything! Have to ride back with the same girl, mind you she wasn't popular so she didn't go to the parties. We went back to her house and watch a movie. Guess the movie? Free Willy! Yup welcome to my the beginning of my luck!

Plus a couple things, I need to apologize I'm sending out the birthday winners as quick as I can. It's costing a lot more then I expected, they are trickling out. Sorry about that but don't worry they will come :).

Also have to share with you the newest creation my MIL made for a lady at work that loves cats. It covers a tissue box.


  1. I am so stealing I need something to post today and I'm drawing a blank...bloggers block!

  2. The best thing about high school...IT'S OVER and there's no going back. Yay!!!!!

  3. square dancing... really.. WOW!! lol!! have a wonderful wkend!!

  4. We did our squaredancing in 7th grade - when EVERYONE feels especially awkward.

    Gym class wasn't co-ed then, so the boys got to see us in our white gym dress and bloomer glory!

    Gawd! Glad that's over!

  5. The kitty is adorable. Sorry about your prom, that sucked! I likes HS.

  6. I used to have nightmares in high school that I would forget my locker combination!

  7. I do not think i really ever knew my combo either. When I started driving it did not matter. I did not go to prom. Love the cat at the end...

  8. isn't that the truth??!!! high school sucked! ;-) btw, I'm visiting from Amy's Round Robin. Sorry to be a day late, I had Google troubles all day!

  9. Love your post :) and thank you for the linky :) you're the know I didn't talk about my prom because that is a post on it's own a story so funny now, but at the time soooo awful LOL

    No worries on the sending, trust me I know ;) and that kitty is so adorable :)

    Now how about some square dancing LOL

  10. Hey... Senior project started my senior year too! no fair!

  11. Oh my goodness, we had squaredancing in gym, too. I thought it was just my lame school. Yeah, and to be the size I complained about back then... ironic, it is.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!