Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday - Rachael's Cheesy Potatoes

My amazing friend Rachael @ Rachael's Space gave me this yummy one! Check out her post here about it .... Some Recipes.
All you need

Cut up the bacon

Put Potatoes in
Sour Cream Layer
Potato Layer

Pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Bacon Layer
Cheese Layer
Out of the oven!
Her Recipe goes like this:

Cheesy Potatoes. I like this recipe because I usually always have the ingredients on hand and it's a good 'clean out the fridge' recipe. This one freezes well too.You will need 5 potatoes, peeled and sliced into about 1/4 in thick rounds. Boil them until they are soft enough to break when poked with a fork but not quite as soft as you would make them for mashed potatoes.While they are cooking I shred or tear whatever cheese I have that needs to get eaten up in my fridge. This is usually just cheddar or colby but can often include mozzarella, provolone, swiss, etc. (again, whatever needs to be eaten).I also use black forest ham, or bacon, but you can use what ever meat you have lying around (1/2lb is usually enough). Make sure the meat is cooked (again for me this step is already done because I am using leftovers) and cut up into about 1/4 - 1/2 inch pieces or sufficiently crumbled if using a ground meat.The oven should be heating up to 350 while you assemble your ingredients:In a 9x9 pan (you can make this in a larger pan too, but of course you will need more ingredients) spread a couple of spoon fulls of sour cream over the bottom (I find that using the back of my spoon works better than a spatula for this dish). Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put a layer of potatoes down then another layer of sour cream, salt, pepper. Sprinkle your cheese and meat onto the cream. Add another layer of potatoes, and repeat the process until your pan is full or your ingredients are used up. I try to reserve enough cheese to have on the top of the whole shabang so it gets a nice cheese crust on it. If your pan is really full you may want to put it onto a baking sheet in case of melt over but if it's not that full don't worry about it. Bake for 25 minutes. If you made a batch for the freezer it will take about an hour to bake from frozen.This one re-heats really really well and will keep for 3-5 days in the fridge. Don't be alarmed if you reheat in the microwave and hear lots of popping - the ham always pops when I reheat it.


  1. I just made this two nights ago! My boys love it.

  2. You know how I feel about bacon :) Everything taste better with bacon and cheese!

  3. Oh, and maybe you should update my feed address in your sidebar...LOL, you have my old one from 3 months ago. teehee

  4. I loved it until I saw the bacon. But I so could use turkey bacon.

  5. OK I have to stop checking your site right before lunch LOL now I'm hungry again, that is so yummy and we love it here!

  6. Wow, this one sounds great! Wish I had that stuff in my house right now!!

  7. Looks something that I would like a lot. Have to try it for sure!
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. I can actually go make this right now! I have all of the ingredients!!! Hooray!!!

    (miss ya!)

  9. YUMMY!!! Potatoes, cheese and bacon all together. I'll need to try this soon. Geri

  10. Sounds great. I need a potato recipe for this Saturday.... this may just be the one!! Thanks for linking to TMTT, today.

  11. that looks delicious and I know would definetly please my family

  12. that looks great

    PS: you asked about my mosaic (collage) on my blog... I use a program called Picasa (it is google based -- free download). They have a ton of different styles you can do for collages... definitely check it out!!

    email me if you have any other questions about it:

  13. I'm copying this recipe as we speak so I can experiment with it tonight!


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!