Monday, September 7, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Chicken Quesadilla's

Make Something Monday

So I busted out one of our wedding gifts ... LOL Yes we've been married 6 years. Can you see the cobwebs on the box. This is one of the items Rick picked out and had to have! Then I was forbidden to open it until he got the chance to use it. Well 6 years is my time limit, I'm now going to use it. You can throw your tissy fit, but I'm using it ... LOL

Yes see the cobwebs I was talking about
Quesadilla maker :)
What you need.
Put Tortilla down
Add the Cheese
Add the chicken
Place another tortilla on top
Open up an this is what you get
Place on my southwestern plate ... LOL
Next time I'm adding some sauce inside


  1. Actually, I love queer stuff like that. I wouldn't buy it for self, but if gotten as a gift, I'd use it.

  2. We had a mexican theme for Father's Day this year.... I have 2 small ones, but my sister brought hers over (one like yours I think??) anywhoo...she forgot it and I used it all the time before I had to give it it is soo easy and de~lish too!! hmmm... might just have these for dinner tonight!

  3. I got one of those for Mother's Day and I love it.. YUMMY...

  4. Man, now i NEED a quesadia maker!! lol!

    Love chicken, love tortillas, love sour cream, love mexican!~ This would be a MAJOR hit at our house!!!

  5. Looks yummy! I always spread a little cream cheese on the bottom tortilla shell it gives the quesadilla a nice flavor!

  6. OMG~ I would use that thing ALL the time. It's FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. What a fun thing to have around, though it would probably take me 6 years before I would use it too! LOL! :-)

  8. Oh we love this, I'll have to get me Quesadilla maker ASAP LOL


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!