Monday, September 14, 2009

Make Something Monday ... Crockpot Bean Dinner

Make Something Monday

I also wanted to show this off for Crockpot Wednesday :)
I made this for Caden's party and it was a hit one I recommend over and over again to anyone. Ok so here's the story with the beans. I went to the grocery store the morning of the party, yes I know hello to many things going on as usual! So I of course forgot my recipe, and you know Rick would be useless if I asked him to search for it. So I called up a friend of mine to do an internet search of baked bean recipes. She found a version of this, why I say version is because she and I have no clue where she found the recipe she gave me. All I have is the back of a bill I wrote the recipe on, it was crazy so I give you what I believe it was ... LOL it's pretty darn close if not exact!

Side Note this calls for Liquid smoke, now I have never used it before so I thought what the heck I'll pick it up it was only like $2 so why not. This stuff rocks and you'll love the taste it gives the meal!


1 lb. ground beef
1 lb. bacon
1 lg. chopped onion
1 can (15 oz.) kidney beans
1 can butter lima beans
1 c. ketchup
1/4 c. brown sugar
1 tbsp. liquid smoke
3 tbsp. white vinegar
1 tsp. salt
1 lg. (31 oz.) or 2 sm. (15 oz.) cans of pork and beans
Dash of Tabasco Sauce
Dash of Garlic Powder

Brown and drain ground beef. Cook bacon and saute onions. Put all ingredients in a crockpot. Cook on low a minimum of 5, maximum of 9 hours.


  1. I will have to get that smoke stuff for my dad. Really the children ate that. Oh with the pork. Yeah to them.

  2. They were very nummy! Think I'll have to try them or have you bring them when I get to have a housewarming!

  3. Oh I like this :) so yummy!

  4. This looks really good!!!

    I love my crockpot!!!

  5. I've never tried liquid smoke in anything before either-sounds delicious though! :-)

  6. Thanks so much for posting to CPW. This recipe is right up our alley...we love beans in the crock pot. I use Liquid Smoke for lots of things,too. I hope to see you back next week.


Commments welcome, helps me know the people in the wall really do exsist!